Example sentences of "in a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What is the evidence in support of this claim ? located in a cavity on the top ( dorsal ) side of the animal ; the rear end of the cavity forms a fleshy spout or siphon .
2 On Wednesday 14 October 1953 at 12 noon the Trustees gathered to see a steel box , 8″ x 6″ x 3″ , specially made by Portadown Foundry Ltd , placed in a cavity in the foundation stone and firmly sealed .
3 This has some advantages , as the rotational envelope results in a spreading of the intensity of a band over a wide range , and may lead to overlapping of bands due to different vibrations .
4 This summer members of the team promoted the UV Ski sponsorship by demonstrating exercises in the video ‘ Fit to Ski ’ and taking part in a photoshoot on the glacier at Tignes .
5 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
6 However , it was realised the AI Mk 10 radar fitted in the rear cockpit could be housed in a pod beneath the engine , and of 328 NF.IIs planned only 37 were built , these being later converted back to Mk 1 standard .
7 The camera — called FLIR - is mounted in a pod beneath the force helicopter .
8 This Minotaur was imprisoned in a labyrinth beneath the Palace of Knossus and , as it would eat only human flesh , each year seven handsome youths and seven beautiful maidens were sent in to the monster 's lair to meet their doom .
9 The stability Royal Mail contracts brought to their operators — particularly the smaller ones — enabled them to offer jobs to newly-qualified CPLs in a segment of the industry which traditionally been the first step in an aviation career .
10 Consider an unemployed individual who desires to work but knows nothing about job vacancies and is thus ‘ searching ’ for a suitable job in a segment of the labour market .
11 The dhāmis , possessed by their gods , had been dancing in a clearing above the village .
12 It was easy enough to spot them in the distance if they were in a clearing on the mountainside , but extremely difficult to detect them as Abdullahi and I approached through a tangle of giant heath that rose far above our heads .
13 But he did come upon the little house that was waiting for him , in a clearing in the depths , and was cheered by the lines of yellow light he could see between and under the shutters .
14 Fifty kilometres to the north , the American oil company Texaco drilled its first productive well in 1967 in a clearing in the forest , bringing in its drilling rig by air as there were no roads .
15 In subsequent night-recording sessions , of which there were several on the Waverley route , Peter Handford always took care to use a location in a clearing in the woods above Stobs Station rather than return to that first location above the cutting .
16 On this occasion , Plage was set up over a water-hole in a clearing in the jungle , hoping that a leopard would show up to hunt or drink .
17 We made camp that night in a clearing in the woods , and I put up my tent in what appeared to be a large sandpit , in the vague hope that perhaps the mozzies might not like it .
18 A grand Royal hunting lodge in Robin 's day stood in a clearing in the wilderness in Sherwood Forest .
19 They began by dumping potatoes in a clearing in the forest .
20 On his way home , Narcissus discovered a pool of crystal water in a clearing in the forest .
21 And after these peoples , others had come : now and then , Davide passed , in a clearing in the grove , a stone hut , white and conical in shape , like the turbans of the Saracens who were overlords here long ago and who built these shelters for summer days when the heat in the grove swelled too burstingly to bear .
22 Moving with no clear sense of direction , I arrived at last at a wooden hut , set in a clearing in the forest which covered that part of the mountain .
23 ‘ The child who lives in a clearing in the jungle has to move out of the clearing and into the jungle one day , ’ she says .
24 ‘ Nothing to do with the fact that your father , General Karl Steiner , was being held at Gestapo Headquarters at Prinz Albrechtstrasse in Berlin for complicity in a plot against the Führer ? ’
25 While he waited for a response he got up and moved ponderously to the wind-up gramophone housed in a carved oaken cabinet in a cornet of the room .
26 A social was held on the Saturday night followed by an ‘ excellent cold meal served in a marquee on the lawn in front of the clubhouse , and then by country dancing to the ‘ Hambleden Hustlers ’ who induced many of the company to join them .
27 He revelled in the idea of murder , he wanted to glorify the violence of murder in a marquee at the Easter Fete .
28 The reception , complete with Thai barbecue , was held in a marquee in the back garden of their south London home , and the newly-weds jetted off for a honeymoon in New York .
29 Food and drinks will be served in a marquee in the grounds of the Oxford Union between 5.50p.m. and 9.30p.m .
30 Conservation and animal welfare organisations had stands in a marquee in the zoo grounds and admission prices were specially reduced for the day .
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