Example sentences of "in the time [pers pn] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 If Isabel can include in the time she spends with him developing his skills for a propensity for being slightly more economic in his travel and hospitality arrangements , I guess we 'd be even more pleased .
2 The PROFITBOSS finds profit in the time he finds for people .
3 It is important though to have corner blocks , and these I make in the time it takes for my tea to go cold .
4 I judge that in the time it takes the lift to creep the height of the building I have to be out the door and on my way .
5 In the time it takes to get the better of this slope , you could raise a family and marry them off .
6 Light goes maybe 30 metres in the time it takes sound to travel the 0.2mm thickness of the emulsion .
7 ( In the time it takes you to read this you could be enjoying it . )
8 In other words , in the time it takes for one murder on the crime clock , six workers have died ‘ just trying to make a living ’ ! ’
9 To allow the horses and their appended jockeys through , all points of the tape must rise by about 1 metre in the time it takes a horse to travel about the same distance from rest , perhaps much less than 0.1 seconds .
10 That light travels at the speed of five times around the earth in the time it takes to say rice pudding is indeed an amazing matter .
11 But in the time it takes me to do this , the incoming train has reached the other end of the station platform .
12 But in the time it takes these children to ask for a drink of water an accomplice has slipped in the back and helped himself .
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