Example sentences of "in the [det] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Between 1983 and 1987 he served successively in the government whips ' office and at the Department of Health and Social Security , entering the Cabinet in the latter year as Chief Secretary to the Treasury [ see pp. 35271-72 ] ; after briefly holding the post of Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary in mid-1989 [ see p. 36819 ] , he became Chancellor of the Exchequer in October 1989 following the sudden resignation of Lawson [ see pp. 36982-83 ] .
2 Nor can we believe that were we to allow this application , potential future witnesses would be deterred from co-operating in investigations yet to come or the police feel inhibited from giving future reassurance as to the consequences of such co-operation in the self-same terms as at present .
3 When Anna 's feeling well enough I would like us to be married in the same chapel as my sister and Boz . ’
4 The late Sir Peter Scott was the founder , in 1961 ( WWF is the only one of the Big Three which has British origins ) , and international headquarters are in Gland , Switzerland , in the same building as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ) , with which it has close relations ( and which , in turn , is close to UNEP ) .
5 It made her very uneasy having hir in the same building as Ari at such a dangerous and important time .
6 Thus in the same building as the photographs of SS officers selecting the Jews on the ramps of Birkenau are news pictures of British paratroopers ordering the concentration camp survivors away from postwar Palestine .
7 The Mansfield one is in Mansfield Market Square in the same building as the Citizen 's Advice Bureau .
8 ( 5 ) In the case of an application for the grant or provisional grant of a new licence , the applicant shall , not later than three weeks before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , give notice in writing of the application to every occupier of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates .
9 He is also required , not later than three weeks before the date of the meeting , to give written notice of his application to all the occupiers of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates ( subs .
10 The new NEC High Performance Computing Software Development Center in Switzerland , which opened last month in the same building as CSCS , will by the end of this year give a limited number of outside users access to its Cenju-2 parallel supercomputer , says A. Scheidegger , director of CSCS .
11 He discharged himself from hospital against medical advice , saying he could not bear to be in the same building as Keith Pringle , the man police are waiting to interview about a 47hour armed siege in Darlington .
12 Mr Ward , 20 , of Westminster Road , Darlington , left hospital in Middlesbrough a month ago against medical advice because he could not bear to be in the same building as Keith Pringle .
13 Mr Ward , of Westminster Road , Darlington , left Middlesbrough General Hosptal , against medical advice because he could not bear to be in the same building as gunman Keith Pringle .
14 An extreme instance is provided by Godden and Baddeley ( 1975 , 1980 ) , who found that the ability of divers to recall a list of words learned either under water or on the beach was much better when the test took place in the same conditions as had prevailed during original learning .
15 If , for example , the intervention is to run for six weeks , the parents should stop after that time and then repeat the baseline measurements in the same conditions as before .
16 Unless the base stock was kept for many years in the same conditions as those in which estimates were made , problems could have arisen .
17 Rufus was one of those people who admire their own kind of looks better than any other sort and whose partners are chosen because they belong in the same type as themselves .
18 A masterweaver in Persia or Anatolia was held in the same esteem as we hold Rembrandt or Vermeer , and even today there are some textile artists whose reputation and status are equivalent to those of any contemporary artist in the West .
19 Let him see therein an infinity of universes , each of which has its firmament , its planets , its earth , in the same proportion as in the visible world …
20 it follows from this that ‘ it is characteristic of all unproductive labourers that they are at my command … only to the same extent as I exploit productive labourers … however , my power to employ productive labourers by no means grows in the same proportion as I employ unproductive labourers , but on the contrary diminishes in the same proportion . ’
21 Willis ( 1983 ) found that black males aged between 16 and 24 were stopped ten times more than average ( although prosecuted in the same proportion as white juveniles ) .
22 They will then see what the man or woman has got left in disposable income each week ; if it 's two pounds , then it 'll be ten units x two pounds , if it 's two hundred pounds , then it 'll be ten units x two hundred pounds to hit the better off in the same proportion as the people at the bottom of the income level .
23 After two days which give them time to gain maximum strength they are taken back and released in the same areas as the eggs were collected .
24 Well I think there is , there are n't many problem with the trained people because they 've been trained in the same areas as oneself and therefore understand what you 're on about .
25 Now he finds himself in the same position as his predecessor — a relative conservative whose time is past .
26 Mr Macmillan echoed the same thinking about the H-bomb : ‘ When the tests are completed we shall be in the same position as the United States or Soviet Russia …
27 Assuming Gorbachev can continue with his reforms the KGB will be in the same position as would MI5 were a Labour anti-nuclear government suddenly returned to power .
28 In many ways , he is in the same position as a husband who finds that his wife is infertile .
29 Why not try and turn your thoughts outwards and see if there is someone else in the same position as yourself — what can you do to help that person feel more comfortable ?
30 If you can not leave your children with anyone , find someone else in the same position as yourself and take the babies with you .
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