Example sentences of "in the [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Mansell won five times and was second in the Championship for the third time in his career .
2 Ronald Reagan is elected President — following Margaret Thatcher 's victory in Britain the previous year , right-wing dominance in the West for the 1980s is assured .
3 Finely spread bait means they have to work hard for a meal and therefore remain in the swim for the maximum length of time .
4 Similarly the profit and loss accounts must give a like view of the profit or loss of the company or of the undertakings included in the consolidation for the financial year again ‘ so far as it concerns , the members . ’
5 Will Hodge keep his place ( I assume he was in the line-up for the Sunderland match ) ?
6 The last generation laid in its supplies in the fall for the winter ; this generation buys from day to day .
7 Enough of the old wall existed in the fourth-century for the poet Ausonio to speak of the ‘ town of two walls ’ .
8 Looking at the legal aid scheme overall , it is clear that it offers nothing new in the system for the delivery of legal services .
9 And this year , with me being in the Company for the first time , I really must go . ’
10 The arguments contained in The Case for the Oppressed Africans ( 1783 ) issued by the Friends in advocacy of abolition set useful signposts to the general lines of persuasion adopted for the following twenty years .
11 In the early 1970S interest was awakened in Britain in the case for the development of ‘ active labour market policies ’ of the kind adopted in Sweden .
12 Prescott is right in restating old principles , some of which have become obscured in the rush for the political centre ground .
13 The crowd dispersed quickly and in the rush for the exits , Tam was glad to see old Jock McLaughlin holding firmly on to his Grandson 's small hand .
14 A man had once weighed his daughter in the huge scales used in the port for the cargoes coming off the ships from the East , he had promised that the suitor his daughter chose would take her weight in gold for a dowry , she was so virtuous .
15 This policy is shown in the scheme for the conversion of All Saints and St Barnabas , Stockwell , London , which is described and illustrated in this chapter .
16 He added : ‘ They offer goodies , like free carpets and washing machines , but there is no cupboard in the hall for the wet coats , the umbrellas or the Hoover . ’
17 They were told to wait in the hall for the time being , until it was decided what should be done with them .
18 The Mass will be followed by a reception in the hall for the children and their parents .
19 Britain 's share of taxation as a proportion of GDP has remained in the middle for the range of OECD states .
20 Then somebody gave her a square wooden camera , a perfect camera made of light-coloured wood and pine with a beautiful hollow in the middle for the light-rays to pass through .
21 They sat at a table covered with a checked tablecloth and tiles clicked underfoot ( Mummy brought back the tiles from Spain ) , and there was a big , brick fireplace with horse-brasses and copper pans and the boiler in the middle for the central heating , where there should have been a huge fire .
22 When we signed him his ability to go out on the wing , but then at sheffield they had someone in the middle for the cross .
23 The Yugoslav Assembly approved the federal presidency 's position which would " remove inconsistencies in the procedure for the possible secession by any republic from Yugoslavia , thus removing the danger of republics regulating this matter as they consider it necessary " .
24 One of the difficulties in the procedure for the institutions was the constraint on planning of not knowing — often for long periods of time — when or whether courses would be able to begin , or even whether they would be allowed to continue .
25 Mr Li has made it plain that there will be no more special economic zones in the next ten years , and the praise in the communiqué for the Dengist reforms smacks of insincere ritual .
26 In the chase for the ‘ story ’ , the important issues which trouble many who care about protecting children are ignored .
27 ‘ I was short all day , ’ said Faldo , who trailed by only two strokes in the chase for the $400,000 first prize .
28 In the Dance for the Haymakers that follows the comic Dialogue between Coridon and Mopsa , only the outer parts have been copied — but all the way through this movement the copyist has provided staves , complete with clefs and key- and time-signatures , for the second violin and viola parts without which it manifestly does not present a complete texture .
29 Now the choice was hers — she could stay on in the cottage for the weekend as planned , or she could cut her losses and head for home .
30 Left in the sun for the vultures to feed on . ’
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