Example sentences of "in the [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In the Spanish sunlight his skin looked darker , more deeply tanned , and she would not have had to be told about his title .
2 Since I was last in the Spanish capital my training had continued on a high plane .
3 We also know that the time scale of development in our business is longer than in many other areas because , after all , in the chemical business we are , so to speak , molecular engineers : our skills consist of rearranging the chemistry of the world which has been created so that we can produce the new products .
4 When a solute , such as a polymer ( component 2 ) , is dissolved in a solvent ( component 1 ) to form a homogeneous solution , there is a change in the chemical potential which can be expressed in terms of the activity of the solvent a 1 .
5 This may sound alarmist to some people , especially those in the chemical industry who have a large financial stake in the continuing use of their products , but there is worrying evidence that we are being made ill by the chemicals around us .
6 Yet in the illuminating book which accompanies this exhibition , Paul Hayes Tucker proves that the image of Monet as the hermit alone with nature is far from accurate .
7 On the other hand there is nothing in the Labour amendment which many of them would oppose anyway .
8 Oddly enough , the people in the Labour Party whom George Wigg most disliked were those with whom he had the closest associations .
9 ‘ We were serious contenders for government in this election because of the changes in the Labour Party which Neil Kinnock put through .
10 The Left was torn between the pacifists and the dominant group in the Labour Party which urged support for League sanctions .
11 We need to be in the Labour Party it is only there that we the unions can take part in making policy about the future of our industries and services , and taking care of our members .
12 Now there have been some allegations flying around that there are people in the parliamentary Labour Party who want to get rid of that link and I want to categorically say that there is no serious figure in the Labour Party who shares that opinion there 's no one in the G M B group who takes that view there 's no one in the Shadow Cabinet and what is more , I know from my own personal experience , and my dealings with him over thirty years , that there is no greater supporter of the trades union link than John Smith himself !
13 That applies even to the minority in the Labour party who believe in the nuclear deterrent .
14 Certainly neither Attlee nor Bevin took account of those in the Labour party who suggested that Britain could or should pursue a " socialist " foreign policy , nor did they accept the claims of the Labour left that the United States was more aggressive than the USSR .
15 After nine years association with him he can still move me to tears , and other people in the Labour Party who might be more cynical than I am . ’
16 Although the SNP recorded swings in several seats it failed to breakthrough in the Labour seats it would need to win in any significant nationalist revival .
17 For the minority in the Labour Cabinet who opposed the cut in the standard rate of benefit had divided the Labour government , not on the question of whether the budget should be balanced , but , so they claimed , on the subordinate question of how the budget should be balanced .
18 Not only were connections with the Labour Party broken but the Bradford Conference , against the advice of the NAC , decided to discontinue paying the Trade Union political levy ; to withdraw from membership of the Co-operative Party ; and to forbid ILP Members from holding any position in the Labour movement which involved giving support to the policies of the Labour Party .
19 And how we make alliances with women organising in the Labour Movement who have themselves maybe developed out of a Labour Movement that is steeped in the imperialism and racism of this British culture , as any other bit of it is .
20 In the Labour movement it never made much impact , for it always remained an alien force , financed and directed from outside , but it achieved something in taking the battle on to the streets in order to break up the meetings of the left .
21 The ideological grasp of the employees is subordinated and does not appear in the legal document which ensues .
22 An injunction that his feast day is to be observed appears in the legal texts which Wulfstan drafted for him , and if the same clause in surviving copies of Æthelred 's laws is a later interpolation , as Patrick Wormald has contended , then Cnut 's interest in Edward , implied by his apparent gift of relics of this saint to Westminster Abbey , would be all the more striking .
23 But in the legal sense she supposed he did nothing worse than truant from school .
24 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
25 Journalists can do little about legal costs and insurance , but they should be well versed in the legal defences which give them more latitude than is commonly thought .
26 After a further six years ' wait ( during which my original proposer and seconder had died and their nominations had been taken up by two ex-captains ) , my name came up for election again , and this time , I was told , the opposition from members , particularly those in the legal profession who were friends of Lord Robertson , was fiercer .
27 He did n't actually say the words , but they were implicit in the final look he gave her before disappearing down the companionway .
28 A less obvious and regrettably a more common example is where students are presented throughout the course with bodies of facts and procedures to be remembered and applied as faithfully as possible ; then in the final testing they are assessed on their ability to apply their knowledge and skills to new situations , or to explain , justify and discuss the reasons behind procedures .
29 Students follow a general course in their first year , and in the final year they select one of three specialist areas of study .
30 In the final year there is a common core of two units , and a wide range of optional units from which honours degree candidates choose four units , and ordinary degree candidates choose three half-units .
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