Example sentences of "in set up [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , although the publicity itself may be free , there are obvious costs in setting up a publicity programme , but , pound for pound , these are considerably lower than for advertising , for example .
2 I was involved in setting up a charity called SNIP which is a Special Needs Information Point for parents and carers of children with special needs to get more information out to them about benefits or help in any way .
3 I was delighted to hear the right hon. and learned Gentleman refer to the work of his own police force in setting up a unit to receive that kind of report from women .
4 The concept is not a difficult one , for the last two sections have made it clear that what really mattered in setting up a trust was not the use of specific words , but the use of words or deeds which plainly expressed an intention to bind a trustee under a trust in favour of a beneficiary .
5 So , while the ‘ angle of dangle ’ can give one a start in setting up a bridle , it should not be regarded as a universal solution .
6 Your first step in setting up a FlexiLoan will be to decide on a borrowing limit .
7 The municipal authorities of Barcelona , who over the past few years have acquired a great deal of experience and expertise in founding and running cultural centres , have recently signed an agreement with the Fundación Salvador Allende to collaborate in setting up a museum in Santiago , Chile , to be called the Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende .
8 ‘ My father 's deeply involved in setting up a golf course in Cornwall and he 's taken Margaret and Suzie down there with him .
9 In setting up a home routine , we can in fact forgo the opportunity to make intelligent choices by responding to certain kinds of pressure .
10 In 1861 she was instrumental in setting up a home for workhouse girls sent out to service , so that they would not have to mix with women of bad character .
11 The CAB service has taken the initiative in setting up a system of advisory sessions in which local solicitors , operating on a rota , give free legal advice to clients who have been ‘ booked in ’ to a special session by a local CAB .
12 But she added that she understood that AT&T was interested in setting up a competitor to Telecom Eireann .
13 These conditions can be very useful in setting up a user search profile , which is one reason that information retrieval systems often use a serial file for new accessions , which are matched against user profiles intended to inform users of the latest accessions in their subject field .
14 I am involved in setting up a group for day centre users with physical disabilities and want to inform disability service users of the new Community Care Act .
15 The first step in setting up a programme for intervention is :
16 Played a crucial part in setting up a network of anti-tobacco organisations to campaign in the most effective way possible for a ban on tobacco advertising
17 The Liberal Democrats complained that too many schools have outside lavatories ; that the Tories were profligate in setting up a chair of maritime history at a local university ; and that they had spent too much on a ceremonial mace .
18 Any legal costs involved in setting up a timeshare scheme .
19 There are additional advantages in setting up a timeshare development in conjunction with an existing hotel .
20 The plan was welcomed by the National Farmers ' Union , which declared its willingness to co-operate in setting up a waste management scheme .
21 In setting up a method of intervention the main problems you will face will be to do with consequences ; rewarding , withholding rewards , and punishing .
22 Likewise in setting up a drama for an already excitable ten-year-old class on their chosen topic of a haunted house , I spent the whole of the first lesson as a pub proprietor refusing to show them how to find the house .
23 In setting up a file with a number of dummy records , these dummies will be filled with a character such as & or • that will be tested for during serial processing .
24 Land in the more rural parts of the constituency is virtually covered with placards urging voters to support Mr Bates and since the by-election he has been involved in setting up a forum for local farmers to air their views .
25 Frankfurt and Paris have already beat London in setting up an electronics settlements system , while the fully-automated Frankfurt Terminborse ( futures and options ) is vying with the open outcry Liffe market in London .
26 He argued that consultants were tending to stay put by the mid-1980s because of the much higher start-up costs now involved in setting up an executive search firm , which he estimated as at least £250 000 , or ten times the figure he invested back in 1973 .
27 The Local authority was engaged in setting up an Induction Centre , where newcomers could concentrate on learning the language and accustoming themselves to a new climate and new culture .
28 The Department of the Environment had come under increasing criticism for the slow progress in setting up the trust .
29 One company in particular felt that the appropriate hardware was in position for a total online information system , but the company needed assistance in setting up the system .
30 In the early 1930s he was instrumental in setting up the child department of the Institute of Psychoanalysis .
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