Example sentences of "in my [noun] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My dear girl , it was no hardship to hold you in my arms for a while , I assure you ! ’
2 I attended the medical centre for my test and stood in my underpants for an hour in a shiny-clean waiting room with yellow walls and a kitten sitting in the corner .
3 I yield to no one in my admiration for the great Iron Duke himself , but my favourite general of the Napoleonic wars was General Kutuzov .
4 Well what I 'll do is I 'll stick it in my diary for a couple of weeks .
5 I began to realize how inadequate my picture of Laura was ; that I had made no room in my thoughts for an independent life of her own , let alone one as earthed and pragmatic as the potter 's craft .
6 Now … in my enthusiasm for the anecdotal aspect of all this I have neglected to mention the other half of Goffmann 's analysis of remedial procedure .
7 ‘ It makes me vomit ’ , she went on , ‘ to think that I am going to have to put up with a load of garbage like you in my school for the next six years .
8 I hung up and dug around in my pockets for a smoke .
9 In my notes for the Raphael Trio 's Unicorn-Kanchana recording of the Beethoven Septet in the composer 's own transcription for piano trio , I drew attention to a small discrepancy between the trio version and the original .
10 Mr. Graham : Perhaps they are the professional advisers who advised the Government to sell the royal ordnance factory in my constituency for a pittance to people who later recouped the price in one sale .
11 Will the Minister commend Lagan college in my constituency for the progress that it has made in the past 10 years ?
12 [ aside ] I 'll nip this bud by the time it begins to open and place it in my bosom for a year or two at least .
13 It was no help to discover that I was not alone in my distaste for the new order because , along with the ever-present sexism , I had to fight the crueller jibes of ageism .
14 Not a chance of course — I was stuck there in my seat for the next five or six hours .
15 I stay in my seat for the radio news .
16 I sat with my head in my hands for a while , then I went over to my desk and took out a small framed photograph of Anne and myself which I always hid before she arrived .
17 I picked up the file and stood with it in my hands for a few minutes before deciding whether to examine its contents .
18 I can keep Rainbow in my sights for a little while longer .
19 I 've got enough grass in my stomach for a bit .
20 It has been in my family for a thousand years .
21 Or fish around in my handbag for a handkerchief .
22 ‘ Stay in my flat for a few days and enjoy what you can of the Carnival .
23 ‘ Since I was old enough to carry a money-bag , I 've trudged round the streets , knocking on every door of every property you own … aye , and sometimes I 've had a fist in my face for the trouble , but never once have I let you down .
24 This was all happening while I was walking through the bus station and taking my place in the queue ; and when I gained my seat I began looking in my bag for a piece of paper and a biro , and then , on the inside of a chocolate-bar wrapping I wrote what I must memorize and recite if I were to get the message over to the doctor — I , who even made heavy weather of describing a sore throat ; I , who after a period in the waiting-room could dry up so as to be virtually dumb .
25 I dig around in my bag for a lipstick .
26 I just felt like I would have given my right arm to be there with a camera — and that stayed in my mind for a long time . ’
27 ‘ This has been in my mind for a long , long time .
28 On each occasion the initial stage has been a dramatic success and the final outcome a categorical failure — responsible in my judgment for the defeat both of Mr Heath 's and Mr Callaghan 's governments .
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