Example sentences of "in this [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That two of his sons had fought for Parliament may have played a part in this transfer of loyalty .
2 The losses in this transfer of energy from one form to another can be calculated and the flow through the various sub-systems can be traced .
3 But we should be careful to note that inherent in this finding of inefficiency is also an acknowledgment of the existence of power .
4 Even in this story of co-operation there has to be a hero .
5 It would have been impossible to consider that the captain in his white tights and blue tunic with all the gold braid in this story of piracy at sea had spent his infancy so close to the Caledonian Road .
6 ( In this story of slum life , the children 's father , the weak Walter , is not married to his companion , the fag-smoking Doris . )
7 Sibylle Alexander describes her experience as a protagonist in this story with grace and eloquence .
8 is it not possible to do something in this state of day in high technology
9 Starfish are uncommon fossils , particularly in this state of completeness , since they easily break into their component plates .
10 There 's no point in your being in this state of terror .
11 But it 's believed that the majority of cases of tuberculosis , that we actually see , are so called post-primary tuberculosis where all of this process is taking place asymptomatically and the host is in this state of balance but something else comes along and stresses cell mediated immunity and the control breaks down so that th the organism M T B wins out very dramatically over the , over the macrophages and you end up with this post-primary pattern of tuberculosis .
12 The same point occurs in this text of Ulpian .
13 In this contrast between half- and full-perception lies the point of interlacings .
14 ‘ How did you find me out here in this back of beyond ? ’ she asked .
15 Some are evidently more equal than others in this system of justice ; let us consider another example .
16 The only point to note in this system of allocation is that those who bid in excess of the striking price will have priority in allocation where the issue has been oversubscribed .
17 In this system of Cabinet government , the Prime Minister was regarded as primus inter pares , as first among equals , and as just the leading member of the Cabinet team .
18 For even the least reflexive or philosophical seem to be aware of the potential for reversal inherent in this system of power , where the sacred and the profane have the possibility of turning upon each other at every conjunction .
19 One respondent in this school of thought commented on the strength of the bond between even inadequate parents and children , saying : ‘ The astounding thing , in my experience as a social worker , is that for the most part kids are crazy about their parents , even when they 're being badly treated . ’
20 The relationship between language use and teaching and learning in schools is an integral part of many contexts and processes in both initial and in-service teacher education courses in this School of Education .
21 When they came to plan the project in detail , the teachers ( planning together in this school in year groups ) worked together to construct a series of carefully designed ‘ activities ’ — a total of six in all .
22 Table 5.1 shows the levels of knowledge required by a typical system ( in this case for understanding and interpreting English [ Ramsay , 1987 ] ) .
23 In short , they and their children would be condemned to grinding poverty and , if their income comes from the state , to permanent state surveillance , not in this case for cohabitation but for ‘ scrounging ’ .
24 Like Gatrell and Vincent and Shepherd before him , he is concerned with the lack of detailed geographical information particularly in this case with reference to the years between censuses .
25 In particular I recall how the fellow-student , in that breathless voice of teenage girls , strangled in this case with awe , asked him whether he knew some Italian poet whose name I could not catch .
26 If the patron of a living , in this case of course , Lord Dersingham , wants to put in a particular cleric , and if there is nothing , as it were , against that cleric for the Bishop to object to , then in he goes . ’
27 Not sauntering but fanatically rooted to their hallowed places at the end of the ‘ Up ’ main platform in most big stations are to be found the train-spotters , living proof of George Orwell 's observation that the English are a nation of collectors , in this case of train numbers .
28 Religious apologists have also fallen into the same trap as White and Draper in projecting backward a model — in this case of harmony — that , although consonant with their own reconstructed religion , may not fit the religious beliefs of the past .
29 ‘ Having regard to the terms of the contract , the conduct of the parties and the circumstances of the case , I have no doubt that the property was not intended to pass in this case on contract but only in exchange for a valid building society cheque , but even if it may be regarded as intended to pass in exchange for a false , but believed genuine , building society cheque it will not in my view avail the insurers . ’
30 The optimality account of ageing has come to be known as the ‘ pleiotropy theory of senescence ’ , because it is often developed in terms of genes with effects on more than one aspect of the phenotype , in this case on survival and fertility at different ages .
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