Example sentences of "in it [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What 's more , Bishop is n't in it just for the money , he wants to see some blood spilt — even that of his friends …
2 Most of them are in it just for the bylines and the booze , you know .
3 ‘ Unlike some he is prepared to work hard and is not in it just for the glory .
4 As he took his handkerchief out and wiped away the water that was still dripping from the front of his hair , a voice said , ‘ I would n't drink that if I were you ; the cows wash in it just round the corner . ’
5 In common with most papers of the time , the NME was only very cautiously supportive of this new teenage music , seeing in it little of the virtues of musicianship , family entertainment , versatility and maturity .
6 Graft and corruption goes o throughout Italy , but it 's the extent of it and who was involved in it up to the Prime Minister that was the problem , but no I have no problems , John I know you 're trying to get on .
7 It is said to be slightly yellowish , though I have never seen any colour in it either with the naked eye or with binoculars .
8 Rather than having the police putting their big feet in it all over the place . ’
9 Having coined and rehearsed the right phrases he never saw any reason why he should not use them several times , so he concluded , ‘ We do n't , I take it , want the police putting their big feet in it all over the place . ’
10 Leaving Hong Kong had not just removed her from the battlefield ; it had left them alone in it together for the first time in their lives .
11 Members of these covens are usually ‘ nominal ’ witches who pay only lip-service to the dogmas and are interested in it only for the kicks it provides .
12 The bulk of LIFFE 's trade is conducted by " open outcry " in pits , each of which is specific to a particular type of instrument which is traded in it only during the recognised hours laid down by the Exchange .
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