Example sentences of "in the same [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However this hold upon her does not seem strong , as later on in the same scene she launches into song , cleverly making the first three lines rhyme with lead !
2 And my mother came from the farm along the shore and they were in the same position they worked with boats too .
3 The logic of this is that the drawer is in the same position he would have been in had he not discounted the bill .
4 The company is claiming damages against Mr Carr , and enough damages from AY to ‘ put it in the same position it would have been in if AY had done the work it contracted to do competently ’ .
5 If you or I were to mix mud and water and place it in the same position it would fall off .
6 In the same way we can now tell that there were two engravers working at the mint of Rome under the Roman Emperor Vespasian .
7 In the same way we can also define short periods of currency life ; it is from the composition of hoards that we know , for example , that neither of the two principal coinages of late twelfth- and thirteenth-century England , the Short Cross coinage of 1180–1247 and the Long Cross coinage of 1247–79 , survived in circulation after their production had stopped .
8 In the same way we can transplant from the wilderness of our lives these images to our gardens .
9 In the same way we are all under the same delusions in one form or another .
10 In the same way we may stress ourselves at work , causing ulcers , backache and nervous breakdowns in the process , but for what ?
11 In the same way we are not able to talk of the volume of agricultural yields and the excess per capita from the farms .
12 That said , there is a serious question about how far we can speak of ‘ women 's languages ’ or ‘ genderlects ’ in the same way we talk of ‘ Lancashire dialect ’ or ‘ Jamaican creole ’ .
13 We are so accustomed to focussing on language , that there is a strong tendency in teaching with video to focus on the words in the same way we do with audio .
14 In the same way we was giving people blood pressure tablets to take every day .
15 In the same way we may find the numbers of motions of other symmetry species , and so obtain the reduced representation :
16 Fortunately for the police complaints department , skins seem to regard this as part of the normal way of life , in the same way they might get a good hiding from their old man to make them toe the line at home .
17 In the same way they look up into the night sky to see the stars and feel the awe and wonder of the infinite worlds with their infinite distances into which may be submerged all our preoccupations as if we had washed our souls in the oceans of space .
18 As Mr Day points out : ‘ To the small and medium sized company , all accountants are very much the same and , with the increasing competition from certified and unqualified accountants , I do n't believe that at the lower end of the market chartered accountants will ever get back on the pedestal in the same way they used to be .
19 In the same way they learn the trees that are good for firewood or building , for supporting the yams or propping the bananas , those that resist white ants or make the best bee-hives , stools or grain mortars and pestles .
20 He expressed to Ridley his fears that , come the winter months , when payloads on the North Atlantic dropped alarmingly , the big airlines could very easily get together to squeeze Virgin out of the market-place , in the same way they had squeezed out Laker .
21 An interesting comment from the Arts representative was that ‘ it is financially impossible to train people in the same way they did 5 years ago ’ .
22 Now if some of the mathematics they had learnt had been relevant to them and interesting to them maybe they would have remembered it in the same way they 've remembered plenty of other things that are important to them .
23 Bella married a butcher who displayed her photographs in his shop while she charmed the customers in the same way she had charmed the stars .
24 The swimfeeder is attached to the line in the same way you would attach a link-leger , with a swivel , ring , or loop of line that runs on the main line .
25 Any particle should be fished in the same way you fish with maggots or casters : feed a generous quantity into the swim initially , then little and often as the day wears on , the total quantity obviously varying according to how well the carp are feeding .
26 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
27 You ca n't usually " turn off " the picture in the same way you can turn down the sound but there are various ways you can organise things so that the class is presented with the soundtrack only :
28 Well what you 've got to do now is think about your own house and in the same way you 've just thought about it and say what is there about my house that would attract somebody to try and break into it .
29 They do n't er , you ca n't see them in the same way you could go and see your parents .
30 He would make comments about them ‘ in the same way you or I would comment on a pretty girl and a wonderful pair of knockers ’ .
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