Example sentences of "the few [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One of the few areas that we sell out on most match days , and there 's facilities for men and women and we actively develop these areas .
2 The Wedding Present violently oppose most rock 'n' roll ethos , but perhaps one of the few areas where they have shown loyalty to tradition has been their gluttonous appetite for live work .
3 How avoid lending multinationals a green gloss in the few areas where they are performing well , while they otherwise continue in their evil ways ?
4 I shall not , however , let my hon. Friend hold me back during the few minutes that I shall use to unbridle myself .
5 In the few minutes that he had been preparing dinner , the water drippng from his clothes had formed a pool round his feet .
6 Well , keep awake for the few minutes and you might derive a little comfort from knowing what scientists can and ( more important ) can not do .
7 Birkeland commented that it was not useful to blame poor populations for exploiting the few resources that they had , when fishing or mining reefs could earn them millions of dollars .
8 It was a perfect day of hot sun with a light following wind , one of the few times that we were able to sunbathe .
9 and about fifteen of the erm eight , eight , five troop chasing after me , it was like our sister troop yeah , we were , there was three troops in our squadron , eight , eight , five , eight , eight , six and eighty , eighty , seven and then there was three squadrons and a regiments , there was nine troops there , so like , if it , basically it was your troop and nobody else , but then it was your squadron and , and anybody else and then the few times that I , on regiment it was your regiment and nobody else , like , we could touch you cos your our regiment but if you try and touch us , you can get fucking hell , but it nearly always come down to the troops , and the thing is eight , eight , six , only had , the first year that I was there we 'd only had about thirty people , fourth year there had I opposed like fifty , sixty and seventy , second year we were there we had about forty- five opposed to like sixty , seventy , eighty , and the third year there we had about fifty opposed like fucking seventy , eighty and ninety in a , in a troop , so we were always well out numbered and we were by far the most outrageous
10 That morning Wycliffe had heard of the Glynn family for the first time and in the few hours since he had learned something about them ; about Gerald , Gina and Barry , about Christine and Aunt Sara , and about the uncles , Alfred and Maurice .
11 In the few hours since she had brought the house down she had been interviewed by three tabloids , Sky Television and by Tony Howard for ‘ Newsnight ’ .
12 Our sense of achievement lasted the few hours until we collected the kids .
13 The statements with which respondents were invited to entirely agree , agree with qualification , or disagree , were : ( 12 ) Dreams only occur in the few moments before you wake up .
14 Of 149 respondents , 18 subjects agreed firmly with the statement that " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " , and a further 23 thought this was perhaps true .
15 In the Hull survey one of the statements to which respondents were invited to agree was " Dreams occur only in the few moments before you wake up " ; 18 endorsed this statement , and 23 thought it was maybe true , out of 149 .
16 Spreadsheeting is one of the few applications that you can do with an old , low cost XT machine .
17 Coventry v Arsenal Arsenal return to one of the few grounds where they were beaten last season , with their match winner against Manchester United , Groves , likely to partner Smith up front again .
18 It is very difficult a Sunday , but it Actually although we did n't take a vote on the bus , the few people that I did speak to a few people , and they were not terrible exited at the idea of of an outing during the week .
19 or if on the few occasions that someone gets married , they hold a night .
20 I talked utter rubbish for hours , and on the few occasions that I faltered Lorne would break in and take over until I had recovered my strength .
21 On the few occasions that he had gone down to The priory with the lad , his parents had treated him as one of the family .
22 Recording a verdict of accidental death on Johnathan and his father , Cheshire 's deputy coroner , John Pollard , said : ‘ This is one of the few occasions when we can genuinely describe something as a tragedy .
23 Recording a verdict of accidental death on Johnathan and his father , Cheshire 's deputy coroner , John Pollard , said : ‘ This is one of the few occasions when we can genuinely describe something as a tragedy .
24 He was perfectly amiable to her on the few occasions when they did meet ; sometimes she even felt that he liked her .
25 My answer to the first part of his question is that in the few weeks that I have had my present portfolio , two or three times in public I have stated my firm belief that it is in the interests of the people of Northern Ireland , the police and the security forces — indeed , in the interests of all of us — that the law be applied even-handedly and that those responsible for applying the law should do so .
26 The deterioration in my companion 's movements in the few weeks since I had last seen him was distressing to observe .
27 In the few years since they have been in existence , the colleges of higher education have had little or no guidance , from the DES or anywhere else , as to the directions they might follow .
28 So she knew that in the few years since she had last been in England great changes had begun to take place from some of which she might clearly benefit .
29 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
30 The pressure of population caused much less concern in the Welsh Border counties where there was still sufficient land available to allow poor immigrants to erect cottages on the wastes and to claim common rights to go with the few acres that they had cleared from the woods or the moors .
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