Example sentences of "the same time [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , if a writer has managed to put some key point rather well , why not both give him the credit for doing so , and at the same time avoid struggling to reinvent the wheel ?
2 Capacity planning , of course , is vital if customers are to avoid buying equipment they do n't need , or buying it too soon , and at the same time avoid hitting a performance crisis due to inadequate hardware resources .
3 If it accepts , it thereby agrees to purchase the item for cash from the trader and at the same time agrees to transfer it on hire-purchase terms to the customer .
4 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
5 The orchestra , extremely democratically-run and independent-minded , was bruised , strained and a little anxious about its standards after clashes with the great maestro , who at the same time had spent less and less time with it .
6 That is , in periods of high unemployment , the government would expand aggregate demand : this would reduce the unemployment but at the same time tend to create inflationary pressure so that eventually the government would have to reduce aggregate demand again .
7 A woman 's attitudes to the housewife role may be positive — she may feel herself to be a housewife , and agree with the idea that housewifery is an appropriate role for women , but she may at the same time dislike doing housework .
8 While attempting to give financial autonomy to schools the government has at the same time failed to help the market — that is , parents and pupils — to decide what subjects should be studied .
9 But he established another less welcome precedent which became common in headhunting firms in the future : he took a professional , workmanlike and effective attitude towards solving the corporate problems of others , but at the same time failed to keep his own house in order .
10 … must nine warriors , having nine spears , with a ten furrows ' Width between them and him , assail him and at the same time let fly at him .
11 In circumstances in which the opinion leaders and policy-makers in adult education have responded to the women 's movement at all , it has been to co-opt feminism into their platitudes , whilst at the same time seeking to deflect and defeat the radical intention of women 's liberation as it might be applied in adult education and society generally .
12 The aperture of the cowrie shell into which the mollusc withdraws has suggested two quite different analogies , the vulva and the eye , the one promoting fertility , the other serving as a prophylactic against the evil eye and at the same time seeking to promote good sight .
13 The court should thus give effect to the rules wherever possible , while at the same time seeking to avoid legalistic interpretation , particularly if this produces arbitrary or irrational results .
14 Khrushchev , who was preoccupied with trying to promote a policy of peaceful coexistence with the United States ( Khrushchev and Eisenhower met at Camp David in September 1959 ) whilst at the same time seeking to contain the emerging Sino-Soviet rift , had little thought to spare for the bearded revolutionaries in far-off Cuba .
15 These laws are not perfect and will not satisfy everyone in the Church , but they will achieve provision for women to be ordained as priests — and at the same time seek to respect the consciences of those opposed .
16 He can not profess , as he likes to do , his respect for the autonomy of academic institutions and at the same time seek to limit their management discretion .
17 The family , for example , was at the same time tending to lose some of its authority and responsibilities .
18 Ducrocq , recognising perhaps Jack 's engineering ability and flying enthusiasm , took him on as his full time mechanic and at the same time began teaching Jack to fly .
19 When she arrived in England in 1568 she claimed to be seeking the protection of her cousin Elizabeth , but at the same time began scheming for support in her claims to both thrones , having earlier told a priest that she ‘ trusted to find many friends when time did serve , especially among those of the old religion ’ .
20 At the same time try to make a water change before going on a trip , using the water removed in the bucket — this helps to begin the process of acclimatisation before the fish is actually in its new home .
21 Following our father 's advice both brothers made sure I was seated between them , at the same time refusing to exchange a word with me .
22 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
23 The Prime Minister , Crown Prince Shaikh Saad al Abdullah as-Salim as-Sabah , was at the same time authorized to form a new government [ see pp. 34767-68 ] .
24 But consider now a different theory which takes its clue not from Leibniz but from Kant , while at the same time trying to eliminate the main causes of the difficulties and problems that bedevil Kant 's own approach .
25 British Communists continued to blame the Social Democrats for Hitler 's victory while at the same time trying to organize common anti-Fascist activities between Communists and the Left of the Labour movement .
26 I leap outside into the snow , stand ankle deep in the snow and strain frantically at the same time trying to remember which direction I am pointing so that I can give instructions about where not to get the snow for tomorrow 's tea .
27 His mind was n't up to speaking one line while listening to another , and at the same time trying to remember the next move .
28 First , how to persuade other member states not to insist on proposals which take us down the federal route and , second , how to avoid agreeing to wording which would be inconsistent with the wishes of the British parliament and electorate , while at the same time trying to reach an agreement .
29 Life for a single parent was never easy — struggling to cope with the demands of a new baby , while at the same time trying to hold down a job .
30 Consider , first , a theory which takes its clue from Leibniz , while at the same time trying to dispense with Leibniz 's dubious metaphysics .
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