Example sentences of "the same time and [det] " in BNC.

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1 A level-top , apart from its looking well , was emphasized for a good economic reason : if the ploughland was level , the drill coulters would bite in at an uniform depth , and sow the seed in the same way ; the ears of corn would then mature at approximately the same time and all the seeds of corn would be approximately the same size .
2 you know they might as well go to the toilet at the same time and all this sort of stuff and yet a little bit of information about that , how long does it take to put together ? and various other things you know where 's the staff manual kept I mean when I joined , I did n't know purchase and this sort of stuff .
3 The strike waves took place at around the same time and all won major wage increases .
4 ( 2 ) The loans must be to defray expenditure incurred in acquiring ordinary share capital of a close company complying with s13A(2) as described above , or in lending to such a close company where the money loaned is used wholly and exclusively for the purpose of its business or the business of any of its associated companies provided the latter are also close companies satisfying the conditions of s13A(2). ( 3 ) When interest is paid on the manager 's loan , Newco must continue to comply with s13A(2) — this means it must continue to satisfy the relevant purpose test rather than that it should continue to remain a close company ; in the case of a purchase of shares in Target , the reason why Newco should be close after the institutions commit to invest is to ensure that institutions and management can invest at the same time and that , at that time , Newco is both close and satisfies the relevant purpose test , ie already controls Target ; management can not commit Newco to acquiring Target until the institutions have committed to funding Newco , and once they have so committed the institutions are likely to control Newco under s416 , so a structure is needed whereby management also controls Newco at this point .
5 no , only through the headmasters only , and that was er originally when we always exams at the same time and that was done as a school policy not science department !
6 at the same time and that 's it .
7 Erm the R M I F bloke was there and he said that 's the second one he 's been to where they 've been doing the training and the launch at the same time and neither of them 've gone well .
8 It is quite difficult to align all the spacers at the same time and several attempts may be needed .
9 The original deal was for the same time and same sum , but the difference now is that the new contract covers rugby only for the age bracket between 16 and 18 .
10 It was unfortunate that the Arab-Israeli war broke out at the same time and some overseas commentators took the presence of Canberras in this guise as proof of British participation in the war !
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