Example sentences of "the same time and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He gives an example about lifting a heavy weight and doing a multiplication sum at the same time and says you ca n't do it .
2 Painter-signatures of Euphronios and Euthymides cease around 500 , and their styles of drawing can not be traced further ; but the signature Euphronios epoiesen begins about the same time and continues for twenty years or more , always on cups , most of them painted by one man , evidently his pupil and one of the greatest of the next generation , Onesimos .
3 When the assistant is serving you , he may also be serving two or three other people at the same time and holding a conversation with yet another .
4 He spent the entire morning with his legs crossed , not daring to go to the loo in case one of his colleagues was in there at the same time and came to the wrong conclusion . ’
5 It 's useful when you 've got to contact lots of staff or get information to many people at the same time and allows you to put detailed information down .
6 He was still by the bomb , whacking the sand with his plank , using both hands to hold it and bringing it down with all his strength , jumping up in the air at the same time and yelling .
7 Maddison and Shearer arrived at the Dell from their native north-east at the same time and shared a house when they were virtual unknowns .
8 John Taylor , the Unionist MP for South Tyrone , also made representations and the Ulster Protestant Volunteers , a body led by Ian Paisley , announced a meeting for the same time and place as the civil rights rally .
9 To get her into a routine , I started leaving food out at the same time and place every day , always whistling the same tune , so that she would associate it with being fed .
10 Brunel had carried out a survey at about the same time and submitted proposals for a broad gauge line linking up with the Hereford , Ross and Gloucester Railway .
11 Once we were in New York at the same time and stayed in separate hotels .
12 The fish tend to spawn all around the same time and pay attention to their own broods — equally the parents will see off any attempt by another pair to eat their brood .
13 If you are the singer and guitarist it is difficult trying to remember the words , play guitar at the same time and think of something witty to say between the songs , ’ he says .
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