Example sentences of "the same [noun] [verb] its " in BNC.

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1 ( The same river makes its exit from the lake some 30 miles away to flow through Luzern on its way north ) .
2 In this way , Schleiermacher was able to include Christianity alongside other faiths under his general conception of religion , and at the same time to affirm its distinctiveness and indeed superiority over all other contenders .
3 Thus , like the later Formalists , the Prague School were able to insist on the specific properties of the ‘ poetic ’ text , and at the same time recognize its links with the author and the social context .
4 Its main claim to fame is its elongated ribs with which the lizard can extend a short fringe of skin along either side of its body , at the same time flattening its body .
5 To my knowledge , no class can hold State power over a long period without at the same time exercising its hegemony over and in the State Ideological Apparatuses .
6 Adhering to the traditional view whilst at the same time acknowledging its limitations , Lord Sankey LC said , in British Coal Corporation v The King [ 1935 ] AC 500 :
7 Greater Manchester , unable to finance its own units , was content to take up twelve redundant ex-Scottish Class 303s , at the same time reducing its fleet of equally geriatric slam-door Class 304s from four to three cars .
8 While JCI diversified its interests in South Africa , it was at the same time increasing its shareholding in Johnson Matthey in the UK .
9 Some historians have argued that the period following the Reformation saw a marked increase in both absenteeism and non-attentiveness , as the replacement of the colourful Catholic ritual with long , erudite Protestant sermons reduced the congregation 's sense of reverence and awe , and at the same time increased its boredom and restlessness .
10 Bakewell bred not only for meat but for as much tallow as possible and in doing so he improved the Longhorn but at the same time destroyed its future prospects .
11 This deeper controversy sustains the debate between liberal interpretations of the modern law of contract , but paradoxically at the same time demonstrates its pointlessness .
12 With it , the company hopes to woo the developers that are currently looking at Unix , while at the same time keeping its existing MVS base happy since it enables the mainframe to run both MVS and Posix-compliant applications , and IBM already talking to a range of un-named Unix application developers about adapting their products .
13 But it needs also to engage with those theories which deconstruct the distinction between the ‘ individual ’ and the ‘ social ’ , which recognise the power of desire and fantasy and the problems of supposing any ‘ original ’ unity in the self , while at the same time preserving its concern with lived experience and the practical and material struggles of women to achieve more autonomy and control over their lives .
14 The Dart Valley Light Railway plc have , therefore , decided on a new policy for the future which it feels will keep faith with the Volunteer Association Members who are keen to develop and maintain the Buckfast-Totnes line as a typical GWR branch line operating as a non-profit making charitable trust and at the same time to satisfy its shareholders who have patiently waited for a dividend for many years .
15 There is disintegration when no common morality is observed , and history shows that the loosening of moral bonds is often the first stage of disintegration , so that society is justified in taking the same steps to preserve its moral code as it does to preserve its Government and other essential institutions .
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