Example sentences of "the first [noun] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Museums will have the first pick of a huge art mountain which has been allowed to accumulate over the years as the result of an income support scheme for artists which was stopped in 1984 .
2 She looked out of the window and saw the brown strip of plough , and then the line of willows marking the river , and then the green slopes rising , dotted now with the first sheep of the year .
3 In my view , these figurines are evidence of the first consequences of the coming Neolithic trauma — the beginning of weaning and the loss of the primal mothers .
4 The 30 September also saw the first session of a specially created presidential Commission for Restitution .
5 The first session of a long-running UN conference on global warming took place in Washington on Feb. 4-14 .
6 The first session of a long-running UN-sponsored international conference on global warming and climate change was held in Washington on Feb. 4-14 .
7 In practice , the first session of the inter-governental conference will be attached to the Rome EC summit next December , although serious bargaining will only start some months later .
8 In practice , the first session of the inter-governmental conference will be attached to the Rome EC summit next December , although serious bargaining will only start some months later .
9 In 1549 , two years after the close of the first session of the Council of Trent — the Council whose stupendous achievements encompassed the comprehensive definition of Catholic doctrine and the unchallengeable assertion of papal power , and which has been described as the creator of the modern Catholic church — John Hamilton , archbishop of St Andrews since 1547 , held the first of his own reforming councils .
10 At the first session of the court in January 1869 he gave judgement to James Sprinks , who had sued Harry Carroll for 7s 6d to be paid the full amount plus almost as much in costs , 6s 3d .
11 I hope that , in the first session of the next parliament , there will be less of the constant bickering and exchange of insults which marred the last sessions of the previous House of Commons .
12 The autumn of 1529 not only saw the fall from power of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey , who had dominated religious and political life in England for the previous fifteen years , but also the beginning of the first session of the Reformation Parliament .
13 These meetings were a dress-rehearsal for the first session of the Council .
14 This was the issue that dominated the first session of the Council , the only one Pope John knew .
15 At the end of the first session of the 97th Congress , Helen Dewar reported in the Washington Post : Even one of Reagan 's severest critics , Tip O'Neill , the former Speaker of the House of Representatives , does not underestimate Reagan 's early achievements : ‘ ( He ) pushed through the greatest increase in defense spending in American history together with the greatest cutbacks in domestic programs and the largest tax cuts the country has ever seen . ’
16 As the Congressional Quarterly Almanac concluded : ‘ In all , the first session of the 97th Congress was a great personal triumph for Reagan .
17 Once we have incorporated the Maastricht treaty into our law — presumably , as my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister said , in the first Session of the new Parliament — we must press on in the second half of 1992 , when we have the presidency of the Community , to set out more clearly our vision of a common European future .
18 The first session of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia ( CPCz ) central committee since the extraordinary party congress in December 1989 [ see p. 37107 ] was held in Prague on Jan. 6 .
19 The first session of the seventh NPC on April 8 , 1988 , elected Yang Shangkun as President in place of Li Xiannian .
20 A minor controversy arose briefly because the resignation of the outgoing Cabinet and the appointment of the new Cabinet had taken place before the closing of the first session of the new Federal Assembly on June 27 , contravening the Constitution .
21 On Oct. 4 the first session of the enlarged ( from 519 to 663 members ) Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) was held in the Reichstag building .
22 The first session of the newly-constituted State Little Hural , or standing parliament [ see p. 37713 ] , ended on Oct. 5 with the confirmation of a 15-member Cabinet as stipulated in the Law on the Structure and Composition of the Mongolian Government [ ibid . ] .
23 Ten military officers , including Maj. Gideon Orkar , the apparent leader of the attempt , went on trial charged with treason at the first session of the military tribunal set up to deal with offenders on May 21 .
24 The appointment ended three weeks of political uncertainty during which Sheikh Hasina Wajed , leader of the second-largest party , the Awami League , challenged Begum Zia to demonstrate her majority at the first session of the newly elected Jatiya Sangsad ( National Assembly ) , scheduled for April 5 .
25 The first session of the new USSR Supreme Soviet convened on Oct. 21 [ for its formation see p. 38414 ] .
26 President Elias Hrawi , Prime Minister Umar Karami and the president of the National Assembly , Hussain al-Hussaini , visited Damascus on Oct. 17 to attend the first session of the Lebanese-Syrian Supreme Council .
27 The presidium and committees were to be formed by December , and it was hoped to hold the first session of the Baltic Assembly by January 1992 .
28 The first session of the Consultative Council ( announced in November 1990 — see p. 37873 ) opened on Jan. 5 , when its Speaker Sheikh Abdullah bin Ali al-Qatabi said that the council heralded a new era of joint national action ; the 59-member council would draft policy proposals for economic and social legislation but only in an advisory capacity .
29 On March 9 , the day before the first session of the new Assembly , President Paul Biya held talks with MDR leader Dakole Diassala , reportedly in an attempt to secure the MDR 's support for the RPDC , and thus to give the ruling party an absolute majority in the Assembly .
30 The first session of the House of Representatives on April 15 was cut short after Suchinda was subjected to a barrage of opposition criticism .
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