Example sentences of "the most of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They 've been cutting turf since daybreak , making the most of the good weather . ’
2 But also one can see families in these situations creating maximum flexibility by using some members for household-based production and some for different types of waged work in what Wall calls the adaptive family economy : ‘ their economic activities were diversified against the prospect of bad times and to make the most of the good ’ ( 1986 , p. 294 ) .
3 I understand your longing for England but the route to happiness lies in making the most of the good bits while planning to change the bad bits at the earliest opportunity .
4 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
5 But there 's no mistaking Madge 's absolute technical control and his determination to make the most of the grand old man 's music .
6 Surely local health officials have a duty to make the most of the limited funds at their disposal .
7 Now he made the most of the proffered opportunities , even putting the notion of a third book to the back of his mind meantime .
8 He staged lavish spectacles to signify the granting of favour to a subordinate-ruler , again " in the style of Roman emperors " and made the most of the great assemblies in which king and aristocracy joined to " maintain the healthy condition of the whole realm " .
9 Chilling , not overheating , has become the danger , so the male opens up the mound during the day to make the most of the waning sun , and covers it over again at night to retain what warmth it has .
10 The bushbaby and barn owl also have big eyes , and , like the tarsier , their eyes are no longer spherical but swell out at the back to make the most of the available space .
11 Many have another trick to make the most of the available light .
12 Jitka , being the oldest was already in her own single bed , and the other two made the most of the other single with one at each end .
13 THE Ladies ' Golf Union and the English Ladies ' Golf Association are nowadays making the most of the various invitations which come from overseas .
14 People root for pianists as though they were football teams , hoping that one will really make the most of the commissioned piece , trying to nobble the judges at parties to announce that someone 's interpretation of Brahms has changed their hearts and souls .
15 Their failure to make the most of the scientific literature seems to begin early in their academic careers .
16 The problem , again , was shortage of time : Charles had to return with Judith to Francia to make the most of the expected strengthening of his position in the heartlands between Seine and Meuse .
17 He made the most of the clear patches of brilliant blue sky fleetingly appearing through the white storm clouds .
18 In 18 acres of tropical gardens on Teluk Bahang 's beachfront , the rooms are designed to make the most of the magnificent views over the sea .
19 All of that suggests that the sheep industry is poised to make the most of the structural accident that has made it the biggest producer of lamb in the Northern Hemisphere .
20 This can be very effective in a room where you want to make the most of the light available , but needs a perfectly smooth wall surface .
21 Make the most of the stunning beaches on the west coast , and do n't miss the local Crocodile Farm !
22 Both Marryat and O'Brian made the most of the peculiar circumstances of life in Nelson 's navy , the enforced closeness of hostile personalities and the system of rewards and punishments which left much scope for personal vindictiveness .
23 Pick your slots with care , however , and tread carefully on the throttle and you can move swiftly through the ratios , making the most of the lusty engine .
24 Dotty and Grace had gone in the ambulance with St Ives and Desmond Fairchild was in the Oyster Bar making the most of the unexpected drinking time .
25 ‘ This ban is a pain but I just have to get on with it and make the most of the top games I am allowed to play between now and the Five Nations ' . ’
26 We 've become better at making money in sluggish trading conditions and are making the most of the patchy recovery we 've seen in some of our markets .
27 But behind the bland frontages are the small estates such as Mill Farm Close and Hazeldene Drive where Pinner hides its share of the dispossessed and the fallen : some making the most of the little they have , others burdened by the weight of broken families , unemployment , problems with drink and drugs , and plain old-fashioned poverty .
28 Make the most of the unusual low fluty sound ( which can be mistaken for the sound of muted trumpets ) , as well as the capacity for flowing arabesques in the higher registers .
29 Cryptic speech makes the most of the indirect nature of talk .
30 Make the most of the delicious and versatile cheeses from Bel
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