Example sentences of "the party to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A second qualification to the basic proposition is that the parties to a contract are usually required to observe recognized standards of behaviour .
2 In that regard it appears that membership of an association creates between the members close links of the same kind as those which are created between the parties to a contract and that consequently the obligations to which the national court refers may be regarded as contractual for the purpose of the application of article 5(1) of the Convention .
3 ‘ Though the parties to a contract who use the words ‘ penalty ’ or ‘ liquidated damages ’ may prima facie be supposed to mean what they say , yet the expression used is not conclusive .
4 The case of Brownton Ltd. v Edward Moore Inbucon Ltd. [ 1985 ] provides an example of the financial implications of misunderstandings between the parties to a contract involving computer systems .
5 The answer to this is of crucial importance because of the doctrine of privity of contract ; only the parties to a contract can sue on it .
6 However , because of the doctrine of privity of contract , only the parties to a contract can sue upon it .
7 Expert determination is a means by which the parties to a contract jointly instruct a third party to decide an issue .
8 This book concentrates on expert determination where the expert is appointed by the parties to a contract to make a decision which is final and binding on them .
9 This chapter looks at the limited right of challenge to the validity of an expert 's decision , and explains : ( 1 ) that it is the parties to a contract who get involved in various kinds of court proceedings where the validity of the decision is challenged , and not the expert ( 13.2 ) ; ( 2 ) the grounds for challenge ( 13.3 ) ; ( 3 ) the earlier history of the law of mistake in expert determination ( 13.4 ) ; ( 4 ) more recent developments ( 13.5 ) ; ( 5 ) the current position ( 13.6 ) ; ( 6 ) speaking and non-speaking decisions ( 13.7 ) ; ( 7 ) points of law ( 13.8 ) ; ( 8 ) construction of documents ( 13.9 ) ; ( 9 ) various other aspects of mistake ( 13.10 – 13.13 ) ; and ( 10 ) the future of the doctrine ( 13.14 ) .
10 If a dispute arises between the parties to a contract and one of them seeks to rely on its standard terms , the first question the other party 's legal advisers will ask is " Do the terms apply ? " or , to put it another way , " Were the terms incorporated into the contract ? "
11 However , the section does not apply " as between the parties to a contract under or in pursuance of which possession or ownership of the goods passed " .
12 Therefore , I respectfully suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear and simple change can be made to the law which would protect those who are not the parties to a trial — third parties outside a trial .
13 In this and in section 35 below — ‘ maintenance agreement ’ means any agreement in writing made , whether before or after the commencement of this Act , between the parties to a marriage , being —
14 ( d ) The hybrid situation It is sometimes agreed between the parties to a marriage that the matrimonial home ( or the husband 's interest therein ) be transferred to the wife and a third party ( eg a new husbandsee Chapter 5 ) .
15 that the right of the parties to a conflict to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited ;
16 While the parties , and hence third parties , to treaties and international proceedings may be readily identified , it may be more complex to identify the parties to a conflict or dispute .
17 The parties to a conflict remain , moreover , parts of a single society by virtue of their acknowledgement of a common name , by their participation in certain common divisions of labour and allocation from which they can not extricate themselves except by secession , emigration or anchoritic or cenobitic withdrawal .
18 Originally , the Six Clerks were supposed to be the attorneys in court of the parties to a Chancery suit .
19 Unequal negotiating positions Where the parties to a restraint agreement are not on equal negotiating terms .
20 If , in an unregistered title , a company is one of the parties to a title deed , search after exchange , on investigating title ; but when buying direct from a company , better to search before exchange to confirm that the company has power to sell under its articles , etc .
21 Determining the parties to a treaty is usually straightforward , although there can be problems of substance and evidence .
22 This draft also has a separate provision relating to the imposition of conditions by the parties to a treaty , which a third party must observe if it wishes to take advantage of the relevant right .
23 The parties to a treaty may utilise specific devices to bind third parties to a treaty regime or to guarantee the provisions of the treaty .
24 The Permanent Court held that although the parties to a treaty could bestow rights upon a third party there was a presumption against this , a presumption which Poland had not rebutted .
25 Though the refusal of one of the parties to a dispute to make an oath was admissible as evidence in British courts , these other ways of trying cases were generally ignored or disapproved of by the colonial authorities .
26 Broadly , the parties to a dispute which is settled by a tribunal will bear their own costs , subject to any specific rules applicable to a particular tribunal .
27 13.2 The parties to a challenge
28 It is essential that the parties to a takeover bid recognise their associates and that associates recognise their associated status so that the appropriate disclosure obligations can be complied with .
29 The Code is drafted so that it does not impose any obligations on the parties to a takeover and their directors which would place them in conflict with their legal duties .
30 The parties to a takeover offer are required to observe the spirit as well as the letter of the Code and must accept that the spirit of the Code will apply in areas not specifically covered by any rule .
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