Example sentences of "the government and [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although Downing Street accused the press of producing misleading information , the row falls into a pattern apparent over the past six months of confusion in the Government and a lack of communication between departments .
2 President Ali Abdullah Saleh was reported on Oct. 9 to have reaffirmed his longstanding commitment to hold elections by the end of November , despite tensions in the government and a succession of murders and bombings [ see p. 38936 ] .
3 Based as it was on principles of race , with the figure of the Jew as the focal point of all hatred , and with the Führer as its ideological and organizational fulcrum , the Nazi Movement needed no regular orders or directions from Hitler to step up the pace of anti Jewish actions and discrimination , pushing the government and the State bureaucracy into action , and always therefore increasing the radicalizing momentum of racial policy .
4 These are matters on which there is a wide legislative choice the exercise of which is likely to be influenced by the political complexion of the government and the state of public opinion at the time amending legislation is under consideration .
5 As soon as Gorbachev was reinstated as President on Aug. 21 , he was compelled by the increase in Yeltsin 's political standing and the fact that most state bodies were at least partially compromised in the coup attempt to acknowledge the need for a new state structure ; the majority of the republics proclaimed independence from the Soviet Union , and fundamental reforms began of the government and the State Security Committee ( KGB ) .
6 The advice of the Government and the Audit Commission is to concentrate on the main risks , and if town halls persist in targeting women 's institutes , church fetes , village halls or charity teas , the Government will take action .
7 The seventh round of peace talks in Rome between the government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) had been suspended on Aug. 9 , with the two sides agreeing to meet again in September .
8 Amidst what Radio Mozambique called " moderate optimism " , the eighth round of peace talks between the government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) restarted in Rome on Oct. 7 , with the Italian mediators present .
9 The government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) signed a protocol on party law on Nov. 13 under which it was agreed that the MNR would start functioning as a political party immediately after the signing of a general peace accord .
10 On Feb. 1 the government and the rebel Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) began talks on the recommendations of the multiparty conference held in Luanda on Jan. 14-26 which UNITA had not attended [ see pp. 38705-06 ] .
11 After several weeks of deadlock at the ninth round of the peace talks , the government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) signed Protocol Number 3 on March 12 [ for earlier protocols see pp. 38517 ; 38565 ] .
12 Following the October signing of the peace accord between the government and the rebel Mozambique National Resistance ( MNR or Renamo ) [ see p. 39129 ] , a plan for UN supervision of the peace process was approved by the Security Council on Dec. 16 .
13 As a consequence of the write-off of debt by the government and the upturn in the European truck industry , the merger proved successful and was profitable from the start , with output at Leyland increasing .
14 However , the Government and the Secretary of State for Wales must also shoulder some of the blame .
15 No wonder MI6 , the government and the court had tried every means to suppress the facts of the story .
16 Within the government and the court there was a constant debate as to how many deaths the United States and other allies of the Shah would tolerate .
17 Many acts of trespass , breaches of contract , violations of copyright , and so on , regrettable as some of them may be on other grounds , have no implications one way or another for the stability of the government and the law .
18 During 1990 the country was subject to violent political instability following the controversial re-election of the government and the imposition of austerity measures on Aug. 8 [ see pp. 37649 ; 37708 ; 37848 ] .
19 Granada 's main markets are retail , the government and the Ministry of Defence .
20 The government and the church obviously thought we were a threat to society . ’
21 A bill was announced on Aug. 4 , 1990 , agreed between the government and the Church , to introduce religious education ( based on the Roman Catholic catechism ) into schools , although with voluntary attendance and " in the spirit of ecumenism " .
22 At its congress on Sept. 25-26 the Constitutional Democratic Party ( Kadets ) , also a former member of the Democratic Russia movement in 1991 , demanded the resignation of the government and the convening of the Constitutional Assembly , elected in 1917 and dissolved by the Bolsheviks .
23 THE courts have ruled that miners ' rights were ignored by the Government and the pit closures were illegal .
24 If the local authorities had been given the money that has been poured into the private sector to be spent on domiciliary packages , more home helps , special care attendance and occupational budgets to provide aids and adaptations for people in their own homes , we could have saved the Government and the country millions of pounds .
25 And whereas the said late King James the second having abdicated the Government and the throne being thereby vacant .
26 Environmental protection in the UK cost £14 billion in 1991 , or about 2.5 per cent of the country 's GNP , according to a report by the Department of the Environment , with about one third of the total being paid by the government and the rest by industry and consumers .
27 Mr Heseltine confirmed a stand-off between the Government and the electricity generators , National Power and PowerGen , over the crucial base price for future coal orders .
28 We have announced a number of job losses over the past 12 months which have arisen as a result of er an internal cost cutting exercise to make our research more er cost effective , and also as a result of decisions by the Government and the electricity supply industry who have cut down their funding for basic research into reactor technology .
29 The people choose the government and the government carries out the policies on which it fought the election and controls the Commons and civil service .
30 It may recommend to the government and the government makes its powers , but in itself , it can not er make any mandatory arrangements .
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