Example sentences of "the same time [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the Australian Government went further and instructed its delegation to the IWC to work for a permanent global ban — not a moratorium , a ban — and at the same time to press for humane measures while any whaling continued .
2 However much both sectors might underline their commitment to high-quality education for students and other values of higher education as a whole , the struggle to define and remove boundaries at the same time led to uncertainty and ambiguity , tension and even ‘ ill-will ’ between the sectors .
3 Equally , St Paul 's , Shadwell , was at the same time looking for a £6 fee for each iron or lead coffin deposited within a brick-lined grave in the churchyard , though their most expensive intramural location commanded a charge of only £4 18s .
4 The G M B and Apex Partnership shop stew stewards and representatives of Leyland Daf played a magnificent part , maximizing jobs whilst at the same time looking after the needs of those thrown on the scrap heap through no fault of their own .
5 There is no point in reading quickly , however , unless you are able at the same time to take in the meaning of what you are reading .
6 ‘ It is ridiculous that somebody should talk to a party and at the same time dictate to that party who should be heading it , ’ he said in an interview with The Independent .
7 To turn away from reality is at the same time to withdraw from the community of man .
8 The new guidelines aim to give added protection to the countryside while at the same time promoting In drawing up the guidelines , planners accept that golf can have a major impact on countryside amenities , which , they claim , must be weighed against considerable economic and recreational benefit .
9 There were conflicts within individuals who found themselves looking nostalgically to their own tribal past while at the same time wanting to be part of the newly emerging social and economic order .
10 We used Cox proportional hazards models to compare the incidence of coronary heart disease and total mortality according to the state of dental health at baseline while at the same time controlling for several potential confounding variables .
11 Tommaso had not come back at Ascension , though some others who 'd been called to military service at the same time walked into town one afternoon .
12 Finally , ideas sometimes have a ‘ steadiness , order , and coherence ’ and come in ‘ a regular train or series ’ : ‘ when we perceive by sight a certain round luminous figure , we at the same time perceive by touch the idea or sensation called heat . ’
13 [ The story ] must at one and the same time relate to all aspects of his ( sic ) personality — and this without ever belittling but , on the contrary , giving full credence to the seriousness of the child 's predicaments , whilst simultaneously promoting confidence in himself ( sic ) and his future .
14 to develop a microcomputer-based information retrieval system for use in secondary schools that will demonstrate realistically the basic principles of information storage and retrieval and at the same time serve as a practical system which can be used in the classroom to locate teaching and research materials ;
15 ‘ All officials , without exception elected and subject to recall at any time , their salaries reduced to working men 's wages — these simple and self-evident democratic measures , which , completely uniting the interests of the workers and the majority of peasants , at the same time serve as a bridge leading from capitalism to socialism ’ ( pp. 38–9 ) .
16 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
17 Working with , while at the same time competing against other schools , raises questions about management which bear on a point made by Rutter et al.
18 Mozart , knowing that his father would be devastated by the news , sought to prepare him as gently as possible for it by writing to him that she was gravely ill and at the same time writing to their close friend , Bullinger , telling him the whole story , in the hope that Bullinger could support and comfort his father and sister when he finally broke the news to them , which he was intending to do in a second letter to his father .
19 Whereas previously it had sanctioned minimal provision for all paupers , since the 1870s it had insisted upon strict application of the principles of 1834 in the selection of paupers , and restriction of their numbers wherever possible , while at the same time insisting on relief ‘ adequate to meet need ’ in all cases .
20 It is at the same time hovering between styles .
21 At 4.30 am the Corporal of the day , a squat pig-like Polynesian called Vigno , came round the rooms , turning on the lights , throwing open the windows and tipping people out of bed , at the same time screaming at us in French to get downstairs on to the parade ground for ‘ appel ’ or roll call .
22 Walkerdine , recording interviews with and observing a working-class 6-year-old girl and her family in their home , uses fantasy to explore how she identifies with the family from her working-class childhood , and is at the same time distanced from it by her middle-class academic adulthood :
23 Those centres which took up the offer helped SCOTVEC plan the deployment of its resources more effectively , while at the same time benefiting from earlier candidate certification .
24 The CPSU control commission expelled the coup leaders from the party on Aug. 23 , condemning their actions , but at the same time warned against " anti-communist hysteria " .
25 Or again , someone may honestly put himself under the lordship of Christ yet at the same time adhere to a Christian lifestyle or espouse Christian values which by temperament or nationality he would be likely to appreciate anyway .
26 Sometimes in darkness you can find light and Deran Dwyer prove the point , concentrating densely on moody atmospherics but at the same time bristling with a blazing guitar which illuminates like a firework display .
27 Sometimes in darkness you can find light and Deran Dwyer prove the point , concentrating densely on moody atmospherics but at the same time bristling with a blazing guitar which illuminates like a firework display .
28 Yet we are at the same time perturbed by more recent and present-day developments .
29 ‘ Hi di Hi ’ , the collective address of ‘ Goodnight Campers ’ — these greetings welcomed millions to packaged mass pleasure and at the same time contributed to the growing marginalization of other practices in leisure .
30 There was a strong monarchist party among the Evallonians , who wished to reinstate their former dynasty , at present represented by an attractive young prince , and at the same time insisted on the revision of Evallonian boundaries .
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