Example sentences of "the last few [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 Simon Griffiths , a hospital spokesman , said last night : ‘ Mrs Barnett 's general condition has improved over the last few hours and her liver is functioning well . ’
2 It 's not always possible in London but a short walk might well get you away from the crown and give you a chance to loosen up your legs , contemplate the last few hours and consider how your body is feeling in general .
3 The relief of escaping from his company was so intense that she felt as if she 'd been wired up to an electric charge for the last few hours and someone had finally taken pity on her and turned off the power .
4 He staggered and fell the last few feet and finally collapsed on the mud and grass of the bank .
5 She ran through the last few streets and saw with relief the familiar tall building rising against the night sky .
6 If you encounter such words , practise them systematically by a ) tapping the rhythm , b ) mimicking the last few syllables and then gradually building up to the beginning of the word , c ) putting the long word in different position on a series of sentences and practising them , like in following example : Word stress is often modified when the word occurs in a sentence .
7 I have been reading the last few pages and I think they are true and beautiful and just , recompense enough for the cold gloom of this untidy and lonely room .
8 Before reading further , think about the last few chapters and decide what you expect their empirical studies have found .
9 In chartered helicopters they hovered over the empty stretch of road between Fenny Stratford and Buckingham to photograph the bare tarmac and the last few barriers and police cars parked there at first light .
10 She ran the last few yards and was breathing heavily , but more out of anxiety than exhaustion .
11 She struggled up the last few yards and arrived at his side breathless .
12 ‘ I 've been fed up for the last few years and people have been telling me I am in danger of wasting my time .
13 ‘ The industry has cleaned up its act in the last few years and we import from restricted countries , ’ said the timber merchant .
14 Cornwall has kept the Championship flag flying for the last few years and has continued to emphasise my own view that such a competition could have an important place .
15 By that date , he was an ailing man , and apart from his routine duties , his first tasks were to clear up the muddles of the last few years and re-establish an acceptable procedure for future episcopal elections , investitures , and acts of homage .
16 In some areas the precise details of the ban coverage has changed over the last few years and climber are requested to check that they re aware of these updates .
17 Unit-linked policies by and large have performed fairly well over the last few years and have consequently been growing in popularity .
18 What what the government , what the erm the consortium and paper 's about er , is improving the , the identification band that was hanging over of of health care , once that recipe is will get much larger consortium er , it 's much widespread of er , devotion , expertise er , er professionalism in in assessing health needs er think about one of those areas that have been saved from in West Essex over the last over the last few years and by going into a much larger group with more resources erm , there will , they will be able to actually er work er far , far more effectively in sorting out what 's actually needed .
19 The yacht harbour , Muelle Deportivo , has seen many improvements in the last few years and even more are planned for the future under the dynamic president of the port , José Manuel Hernandez .
20 But they have changed in the last few years and there are some quite significant elements about personal allowances that you ought to know about , one of which is independent taxation , and this talk is actually personal allowances and independent taxation .
21 Voting rights in local elections for nationals of all Community Member States , wider powers for the Court of Auditors , clearer duties on Member States to fight fraud against the Community budget and progress towards a single currency are all examples of matters supported by the Select Committee over the last few years and now set out in the Maastricht Treaty .
22 Employee relations manager George Piechniczek said : ‘ This sensitive issue has been extensively debated over the last few years and whilst the trade unions support the principle of protecting non-smokers at work , it has proved difficult to find a practical solution that satisfied all parties . ’
23 Turning to the specific task on hand , he commended the gas turbine division as a whole for the great strides it had made over the last few years and stressed the important role that LTS had played in the division 's growth .
24 Imaging technology has come a long way in the last few years and there are currently available several Imaging systems which in theory could integrate with Council Tax software .
25 But in Latin America , even the crudest indicators such as per capita GNP , or gross national product ( which takes no account of wealth distribution ) show that people 's incomes have actually gone down in the last few years and their health , education and nutrition have gone down with them .
26 The project is following up those young people who have left the Association 's training schemes in the last few years and is investigating , through questionnaires and interviews , how the employers of those ex-trainees make their recruitment decisions .
27 THERE 'S been a revolution in media over the last few years and it 's going to continue at an ever-increasing pace for sometime to come .
28 I 've heard hundreds of judges in the last few years and Mr is one of the very few who , in , in every picture delivers a very picture .
29 Ergo , we have to look , I think , at the record of this company over the last few years and as the chairman said in his introductory remarks the growth in the company , the growth in the earnings per share , has been very remarkable .
30 Such an event normally takes us to Dartmoor or Exmoor , has run on the same basis for the last few years and is planned to the last minute — so why the meeting ?
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