Example sentences of "the first time [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Charles was left for the first time to conduct his own strategy in Aquitaine , no doubt with Judith to help him .
2 ‘ It is interesting when I bring someone like Rodney Marsh here for the first time to see his reaction .
3 She was not accustomed to ask questions , and obeyed ; Dinah accompanied her , saw her seated in the chair , the anaesthetic given , and the extraction begun ; then for the first time let her own mind admit the possibility that Paul 's illness might have some such origin , that she herself had in that case been the wife of a syphilitic for years , and might have caught it ; that she might lose her face or her mind ; that Robin had inherited it ; and now —
4 Launched by the Princess of Wales in 1988 , the hospice entered the Awards for the first time using its 1990 accounts which covered its first operational year with a full complement of staff .
5 It also ratified ordinances which allowed various crafts for the first time to organize their activities .
6 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
7 However , now that it is necessary to identify the functions the judges are performing when they sit as visitors in cases which are concerned with the question whether people are fit and proper persons to become or remain barristers , we must for the first time examine their function in that context alone .
8 His head moves for the first time to follow his eyes and maintain the essential link of communication signals .
9 Anyone using the double-paddle of these canoes for the first time finds his ( or her ) chest expanded in a strain on shoulder muscles he never knew were there until he started canoeing .
10 While in Cartagena , Colombia , on Dec. 2-3 for the " Group of Rio " summit [ see p. 38675 ] , President Fujimori of Peru and President Borja of Ecuador met for the first time to discuss their longstanding border dispute [ see p. 38526 ] .
11 The Prince smirked and Gaveston turned , for the first time acknowledging their presence with a condescending sneer .
12 He held his head defiantly lifted , as if he wished no man to see him in dejection ; somehow I felt the gesture very characteristic , and was able for the first time to recognize his arrogance .
13 Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt 's excellent book , The Bomber Command War Diaries tell us that on the night of 23/24 September Bomber Command for the first time concentrated its main bomber strength on one city — Berlin .
14 Of those , the Trooper 's got the edge and for the first time leads its own sub-section of 4 × 4 off-roaders .
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