Example sentences of "the first [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She took great delight in physical freedom , was one of the first women to cycle , loved to row , and climbed the Matterhorn twice .
2 He was probably the first man to solo 8a on French rock ; made the first winter lone ascent of the South Face of the Aiguille du Fou ( scene of Alan Rouse 's famed injury during an earlier , summer , solo ) and also made one of the most prestigious ascents in the area with his solo of Divine Providence — Patrick Gabarrou 's 1984 desperate on the Grand Pilier d'Angle buttress on Mont Blanc .
3 ( " Integration money " of DM1,200 monthly would still be paid for the first year to immigrants unable to find work .
4 So that on er if you look at the crew picture this is the crew that flew the first mission to Gdynia , Poland except kneeling the second man from the left is , he did not go , I flew the co-pilot position .
5 It was over the Citation 's flying range , and Duncan flight-planned the first leg to Kirov where he would refuel .
6 Similarly , responses to us in writing within six weeks of referral rose from 25% of cases in the first audit to 60% in the second .
7 Mr McCann presents the first Bond to Chris Smith of Royal Insurance , watched by Bill Tubey , Manweb ; Richard Smith , Barclays ; Erica Duff , Brookside Productions and Frank Cogley , Liverpool 's Director of Education Picture : TONY KENWRIGHT
8 He was thankful that the lightweight suit and polo shirt had been on the first hanger to hand .
9 May : May 8-11 ; in a tour in support of Middle East peace talks , Bessmertnykh visited Damascus , Tel Aviv ( the first trip to Israel by a Soviet Foreign Minister since the state was founded in 1948 ) , Amman and Cairo ; May 15-19 : the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party , Jiang Zemin , visited Moscow for talks on Sino-Soviet relations ; May 15 : Lev Voronin , a former deputy Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers , was appointed ambassador to the EC ; May 27 : the last Soviet troops on active duty in Czechoslovakia were withdrawn ; May 28-31 : Primakov was in Washington for talks with US leaders and World Bank and IMF officials to discuss Western aid .
10 The defendants argued that deformity would have occurred as a result of the injury , whether or not it had been properly diagnosed on the first trip to hospital .
11 Captain Bligh of the Bounty took the first apples to Australia ; Jan van Riebeeck , the founder of Cape Settlement , took them to South Africa and the Pilgrim Fathers who boarded the Mayflower carried them to America .
12 he was a ‘ principal doer ’ in promoting the first voyage to Muscovy of 1553 , a founder and active member of the Russia Company , and a promoter of voyages to West Africa in 1553 and 1554 .
13 But there 's some stiff competition for ’ New Release ’ , each year Beaujolais Nouveau hits British shops in a flood of publicity with people racing to bring back the first bottle to Britain .
14 The colony 's preparations for the deportations are well advanced , but its government requires the go-ahead from London before it can send the first planeload to Vietnam .
15 I flung open my double-glazed windows before I went to sleep and the first call to prayer of the Muslim day was a strident awakening .
16 NORWEGIAN international Tore Dahlum could be just the first addition to Manchester United 's staff as manager Alex Ferguson seeks a goalscoring hero to revive their Premier League title prospects .
17 The first request to Pharaoh merely aggravates the situation .
18 In these ‘ policed provinces ’ crime was to be reported in the first instance to headmen who would in turn notify the police of serious offences .
19 Enquiries should be directed in the first instance to Philip Weatherburn himself , on .
20 FOUR Guatemalan police officers were found guilty on 28 April , 1992 of the murder of thirteen-year-old street child Nahaman Carmona Lopez and sentenced by the Fifth Criminal Sentencing Court of the First Instance to imprisonment terms of between 12 and 18 years .
21 This could also be because women with unexplained lower abdominal pain are often referred in the first instance to gynaecologists , who may not consider an intestinal cause until they have removed the pelvic organs .
22 The first sign to Creggan that something to do with Minch might be happening came at last nearly four weeks later when the Men opened up her cage again .
23 The public 's political knowledge appears to have increased ; the number of respondents who were able to name their own MP correctly rose from 34% in the first survey to 43% in the last .
24 Coun. Mrs Heather Scott , chairman of the Leukaemia Unit Fund , officially presented the first cheque to Mr Stewart and Sister Joan Meek , of the haematology department .
25 The first reference to Theodore in Gregory 's Histories concerns an unexplained alliance of the clergy of Marseilles and Dynamius , the patricius , or governor , of Provence , against the bishop in 581 .
26 The first reference to John that can be traced is in Muirkirk Session records in which there is an entry — ‘ On 19th September , 1680 , it was delated to the Session that John Browne in Priesthill … ( and others ) … did not attend public ordinances . ’
27 Cost savings , including 1900 job losses , helped boost NatPower 's profits by 10% to £201m in the first half to September 27 .
28 Profits at the group continue their unbroken rise , adding 6% in the first half to £195m , as improved figures were rung up by all divisions and the dividend was upped a penny to 13.75p .
29 The TE Electronics Inc manufacturing subsidiary that Tandy Corp plans to spin off , says it will take a $20m charge against results for the first half to December 31 to cover the cost of the proposed sale of its Micronic hand-held computer operation and a decision to close two small European offices of the Tandy/GRiD Europe subsidiary .
30 Despite falling behind twice in the first half to Liverpool 's shadow squad , the Londoners still had the determination to snatch victory with a disputed penalty .
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