Example sentences of "the [num] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the first time in the race 's history the 89–90 race included a Soviet entry ( Fazisi ) and a boat with an all women crew ( Maiden ) .
2 The Financial Times of Feb. 21 reported that the credit was conditional on the 1991-92 budget incorporating a " credible stabilization package " .
3 Further , the 1943 Act empowers the court to order the buyer to pay a reasonable sum for any benefit he has received under the contract .
4 During the 1820s Gordon became a leading figure in the radically conservative wing of Anglican Evangelicalism , which rejected compromise with the world and eschewed theological and political liberalism .
5 A clever and decorative composition often mistaken for wood ( especially ebony ) was the rock-hard papier mache used with great effect by publishers such as Longman in the 1840–60 period to give an impressive Gothic appearance .
6 The 120 participants made an unprecedented financial effort themselves , spending almost FFr50 million on a Biennale marked by a surprisingly elegant , italianate style set by Italian theatre designer Pier Luigi Pizzi .
7 When the 1971 Census asked a question about employment status , it found that about 40 per cent more people regarded themselves as unemployed than the official statistics showed .
8 That raid on Berlin of the 25/26 August pulled a psychological trigger in Nazi minds , and produced results that were entirely out of proportion to the military resources employed on that particular raid .
9 In theory , though not always in practice , the 1866 Act required a 100 per cent audit of all transactions .
10 Numerous problems arose after the 1980 election to ensure the demise of Schmidt and the SPD .
11 The 1980 Regulations provides the following exemption .
12 The 1980 Act removed the provisions of the Employment Protection Act which affected small businesses , by increasing the qualifying period for complaints of unfair dismissal .
13 ‘ Why had the 1980 Constitution abolished the right to put up posters ? ’
14 The 1980 WIRS contained an identical question on the use of fixed-term contract workers as did the 1984 survey ( the question on the use of agency workers was not consistent ) .
15 We also invited the manufacturers or distributors of the eight salts to give an account of their particular claims in respect of their various salts .
16 Five of the eight YACs contain the 4.0 kb EcoRI KOX2-hybridising fragment indicative of ZNF11A in 10p11.2 , and therefore contain cluster A sequences .
17 None of the eight recordings incorporated a sleep period of any duration .
18 Although Pakistan inched forward in the eight overs following the welcome tea-break , England were pulling the strings .
19 The eight gunmen broadcast a communiqué which announced the establishment of a " Committee to Save the Nation " and stated that its priority would be " to restore order to the island and to restart the economy " and bring about " moral renewal " .
20 The 90's woman leads a hectic lifestyle , often juggling a high flying career with family life and an exciting social scene .
21 The 70 pictures represent a year of work .
22 At full charge , the 216 cells provided the B.E.M.U. with a range of about 100 miles and so it was restricted to one round trip per day over the branch line .
23 The governors ' policy will be relevant : the 1986 Act requires the head teacher to ensure that there is compliance with the governors ' policy statement on sex education at the school .
24 Since the 1986 Act allows a receiver , even though appointed out of court , to obtain the court 's directions , it is difficult to envisage circumstances in which an application to the court can be justified if the cheaper alternative is available , and the professional adviser who recommended it would be laying himself open to grave risk of criticism .
25 The 1986 Act views the appointment of an administrative receiver as being in some respects similar to insolvency proceedings and regulates it accordingly .
26 For example , the 1986 Act removed the right to benefit for most 16- and 17-year-olds and made it a requirement that claimants pay 20 per cent of their rates/poll tax and 100 per cent of their water rates .
27 The 1986 data destroyed the myth that the foreign kill rate was comparable to the US rate , and confirmed that the widely accepted official figure of 6 million dolphins killed by purse seiners over the past 30 years was a gross underestimate .
28 This fragmentation following the 1986 restructuring produced a lack of co-ordination and an absence of overall control .
29 The 1925 Illuminations attracted an additional million passengers to the Promenade trams , bringing an extra revenue of £7,360 .
30 For those who argue that the 1925 legislation represents a series of reforms in order to facilitate conveyancing the foundation of the legislation lies in s. 1 , Law of Property Act , where Parliament reduced the number of estates and interests capable of existing at law :
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