Example sentences of "the [noun prp] be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly , the NME was alienating its natural constituents , the reasonably liberal and informed rock fan .
2 If the EEC were to acquire its own resources , then the organisation would lose the element of control over its spending that came with the existing system of national contributions : Hallstein could then argue that giving the European Parliament more authority would provide the necessary democratic control over the Commission .
3 THE BBC 's Gaelic radio service in the Highlands is to have its own FM frequency from September , it was announced yesterday .
4 RAF fear : The RAF is bracing itself for compulsory redundancies after the news that 2,200 jobs must go .
5 The RAF are putting their own stamp on the project .
6 The RAF were expecting them , and a motorised ack-ack unit had been called in with their Scammells and their diesel generators and their giant mobile searchlights to blaze away with 3.7 inch AA guns at what they tentatively registered as about a dozen Heinkels flying very high , too high to be in danger .
7 One of the Pressmen was doing his own bit of asset-stripping as his eyes roved intimately over her body .
8 The numbers attending fell short of expectations ; nonetheless the CP was pursuing its campaign to recruit 1,000,000 members in an attempt to persuade the government to hold a general election .
9 By his death , the membership had doubled , the MCC was developing its role as the judicious lawgiver of the game , and there were many more cleaner-cut fixtures , with schools and the universities , for example .
10 We also reported that a pound of tea was 1/4d , a boy 's suit was ten bob , decorators were paid 8d an hour , the King of Greece had been assassinated and the MCC was discussing what to do in the case of rain affected matches .
11 Likewise , the PFA is fighting its corner to make sure the players get a fair deal .
12 Whilst the Habsburgs were consolidating their power in central Europe they were confronted on the east by Hungary and in the south by the Venetian republic .
13 Their supporting Engineers are making roads , rebuilding bridges and the Cheshires are imposing their influence on local factions by both persuasion and force .
14 On the other hand , the LEAs were expanding their provision through a diversified range of courses of ‘ instruction ’ in practical skills , many of which were provided for occupational qualifications at ‘ night schools ’ or evening institutes .
15 By 1914 , there were over 400 Board of Trade exchanges in the United Kingdom dealing with juveniles ; in 44 districts the Board had also authorized JACs , and in 58 districts the LEAs were running their own schemes .
16 This continuity had not been maintained without a struggle , and once again when the GLC was abolished there were moves to distribute the responsibilities of the ILEA between the constituent boroughs .
17 The Feldwebel was watching me .
18 Our connection for the prison camp did not leave until 11 o'clock and the Feldwebel was wondering what to do for the next two hours when the air raid siren blew .
19 He ignored the pointed look the DDI was giving him .
20 Both the AEU and the CPGB were to retain his allegiance throughout his life .
21 Under the Feb. 15 quota system Qatar and Libya would suffer the heaviest pro rata cuts , equivalent to 10.24 per cent and 10 per cent of their current quotas respectively , while Venezuela and the UAE were to reduce their production by 9.68 per cent and 9.63 per cent respectively .
22 The CNAA was establishing its own organizational shapes .
23 Opposition to the Shah 's regime was disparate — fragments of the old National Front , a survival from the times of Mossadeq in the 1940s and 1950s ; a miscellany of resurgent Islamic and minor left-wing groups ; the pro-Moscow Tudeh Party ; disappointed businessmen who perceived the hand of the Shah 's family behind every deal they failed to clinch ; and smaller traders who resented the Shah 's busying himself with high prices in the bazaar .
24 The UN is helping us , we have no problems .
25 But the Pitts were denied them .
26 In addition , a wintry spell before the Cesarewitch was prompting our runners to start donning their winter coats before they set off .
27 The eastern trade never disappeared , but trading posts were being closed down and the Indies were losing their hold on people 's attention .
28 Sometimes I wonder if the BBC is doing itself any favours by re-transmitting this 18-year-old series .
29 THE BBC was bracing itself yesterday for a Government onslaught over its election coverage , which many ministers believe was biased against the Conservatives .
30 Back home the NZRFU critics regarded the Vichy venture as another sign that the NZRFU was losing its control of its leading players .
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