Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [prep] the second " in BNC.

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1 Graham served in the RAF during the Second World War and it was under the war-time ‘ guesting ’ arrangement that he first turned out for Palace .
2 TOM joined the family business as the fourth generation and served in the RAF during the second world war .
3 Even though Rome was giving little in return in terms of moderating its claims to be the only true Christian church , faint liberal breezes had been blowing through the Vatican since the second Vatican Council .
4 AS the ideological gulf between Moscow and Bucharest yawns ever wider , the Romanian leader , President Nicolae Ceausescu , has raised the potentially explosive issue of former Romanian territories annexed by the Kremlin during the second world war .
5 But Jason , as we shall see , was a statesman of stature in the Greece of the 370s , dealing on equal terms with the Athens of the Second Athenian Confederacy and the Thebes of Epaminondas .
6 Leaving Mongolia aside , the leaders of each country are the linear descendants of ‘ Muscovite ’ Communists , sheltered in the USSR during the Second World War and brought to power in the van of the Red Army : in times of friction , it takes little to remind Eastern Europe 's leaders not only how their bread is buttered , but how they got into the larder in the first place .
7 The Church of St Helen , in Bishopsgate , which has been wrecked , survived both the Great Fire and the efforts of the Luftwaffe during the Second World War .
8 In fact the Eliots travelled across the Atlantic for the second time in October ; when he stopped at Chicago to give a reading on his way to St Louis , a reporter noted that he " looked rather tired and smiled in a vague , undirected way " .
9 Obviously there had been no notices after the first night , and few of the critics of the major papers would have had time , let alone interest , to give the play a second viewing ; but a North London local paper with a weekly deadline had sent along its critic on the Monday of the second week , and their review appeared on the Thursday .
10 The biggest winner was the liberal Free Democratic Party ( FDP ) , which polled 11 per cent ( its highest since 1961 ) and overtook the CSU as the second largest element in Kohl 's ruling centre-right coalition .
11 If a Bill is passed by the Commons in two successive sessions having been rejected by the Lords , it can be presented for the Royal Assent provided that one year has elapsed between the date of its second reading in the Commons in the first session and the date of its passing by the Commons in the second session .
12 Pakistan finished at 388 for 3 , but were unable to continue until the Saturday , the second day being washed out and landing the TCCB with the second enormous refund of the series , this time estimated at anything up to £250,000 .
13 Isidora had drowned in the Nile in the second century AD .
14 By 1979 energy consumption was almost back to the 1973 level but this trend was abruptly curtailed by the second oil shock which contributed to the worst recession in the UK since the Second World War .
15 The resulting degree of demographic and socio-economic polarization at regional , sub-regional and local scales is the central feature of the many changes which have affected the geography of the UK in the second half of the twentieth century .
16 ‘ When are you going to Greece ? ’ his mother asked on the Wednesday of the second week , while they were doing the washing-up .
17 Even Association football has grown at the grass roots with a further 2,000 clubs affiliating to the FA in the second half of the 1970s to make up a total of almost 40,000 .
18 He served with the Fiji Military Forces in the Pacific during the Second World War , and held various ministerial posts before independence in 1970 .
19 In the Oxford of the second half of the nineteenth century , parochial , preoccupied with spiritual and philosophical problems , the Oxford of Benjamin Jowett , Walter Pater , and Mark Pattison [ qq.v. ] , his interests and experiences must have set him apart ; he rarely figures in the histories and biographies centred on the life of the university .
20 The disease is rare in Japan but begins to become more common in the first generation born in the United States , and approximates the rate prevailing in the US by the second generation .
21 He drew strong criticism from Jews and many gentile Poles , by comparing abortion with the Holocaust of the Second World War , when 600,000 Polish citizens were murdered .
22 Briefly with the SAS in the Second World War , he distinguished himself by being wholly ignorant of whether a wheel nut was to be undone clockwise or not .
23 The divergence is important , perhaps crucial , because Pound and Eliot , American expatriates of roughly the same generation , in the London of the second decade of this century made common cause and thereafter — despite ever wider ideological disagreements — remained friends , mutually respectful and mutually supporting , until Eliot 's death in 1965 .
24 But Zimbabwe 's example , together with the hope that new seeds might make a difference to humid parts of the continent in the first half of the 1990s ( and to the Sahel in the second half of the decade ) , at least give us something to work for .
25 He ruled out an alliance with either the FLN or the FIS for the second round .
26 Although British industry more than matched American in its degree of concentration it was far slower to adopt modern methods of business organisation , especially the multi-divisional company form which had been well established in the USA before the Second World War .
27 Another big reshuffle could come in 18 months to two years , by which time Mr Patten could be back in Parliament and Mr Douglas Hurd , having helped lead Britain 's presidency of the EC in the second half of this year , may have decided to step down as Foreign Secretary to pursue another career .
28 It seems certain that they first found their way from the Creole of the first generation Caribbean migrants into the LE of the second generation , where they occur very frequently .
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