Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In assessing the suitability of the proposed operating centre , the LA looks at two connected aspects .
2 The PLO struck at Israeli soldiers and civilians alike , and by 1970 the Israelis were retaliating deep into Lebanon , usually against civilian targets and always with results quite out of proportion to the original Palestinian attack .
3 In effect , therefore , the PLO exists at all levels of organisation within the occupied territories .
4 In 1989 , the TPFR stood at 1.80 , 4% below the recent peak of 1.88 achieved in 1980 .
5 ‘ I do n't think that 's a bad idea , ’ the DDI said at last .
6 The Nikkei closed at 20,454 on April 28th — helped , to the market 's surprise , by intervention against the yen on the previous day by America 's Federal Reserve .
7 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
8 The local interests of the duke and the Woodvilles coincided at several points , notably in Wales and East Anglia , but also ( briefly ) in Richmondshire , where the queen 's mother , the dowager duchess of Bedford , held one third of the honour until 1472 .
9 The Magyars behaved at first as Asiatic nomads are supposed to , by ravaging across Germany .
10 The Commons asked at various times that the perambulations should be observed , that new perambulations should be made , and that charters should be granted defining the forest limits .
11 Figure 3.1 shows a time-series of actual gross domestic product in the UK measured at 1975 prices since 1960 .
12 In 1991 the register of potential donors in the UK stands at 160,000 — a remarkable achievement .
13 Unemployment in the UK peaked at 17 per cent in 1932 but had fallen back to its 1920s level of 8 per cent by 1937 .
14 The first B-52s to operate from the UK arrived at Royal Air Force ( RAF ) Fairford base in Gloucestershire on Feb. 5 .
15 The formal presentation of the reshuffled Cabinet was cancelled , however , after a boycott by members of the CSR protesting at curtailed discussion of a parliamentary commission 's report implicating two Cabinet ministers in a previous failed coup attempt .
16 When the Dunner froze at low tide and you could skate from Odborough to Furness .
17 The IFM looked at similar systems in Germany and Czechoslovakia before making the suggestions which would also see the launch of a mjor training scheme for new anglers .
18 The Magician lived at one end of Puddle Lane , and the foot was the Magician 's foot .
19 The T'ang smiled at that , remembering his father 's tales of Augustus Shepherd 's eccentricity .
20 The Halifax reported at 0.1 per cent rise in the cost of new homes but the Nationwide a claimed two per cent fall .
21 High-minded , worthy and earnest , the Independent thrived at first , an impressive achievement in Britain 's crowded newspaper market .
22 Making its debut on the Summerfield stand at this year 's British Music Fair was an attractive new range of acoustic guitars .
23 The EC has at various stages attempted to devise summary indicators of regional performance as a guide to the magnitude of the regional problem .
24 Grunte marked the Malcolms down at 10/20 each .
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