Example sentences of "the [noun pl] who [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 But the experts who examined him afterwards almost certainly thought he had been infected by female chiggoe fleas , which attach themselves between the toes or on the soles of the feet .
2 But before doing so , he contacted the solicitors who represented him in 1981 and they arranged for the crown court appearance .
3 The solicitors who gave him the court order for them to release all the details on that .
4 The brothers who beat him up are involved in the drugs racket .
5 Only yesterday in Oxford Frank Baughan called for the youngsters who beat him and broke his wrist to be birched. frank Bishop is n't today 's only victim .
6 Yet not before he had been thoroughly frightened by the ghosts who warned him of terrible judgment .
7 He laid its foundations , but it was not finished when he met his Waterloo and the Allies who defeated him were not inclined to allow the work on the Arch to continue .
8 Using Britain as an example , Napoleon III and the economists who advised him believed that the introduction of free trade would help to strengthen the French economy , since only by opening up French industry to greater competition would it be galvanized into accepting new methods of production .
9 Given the hon. Gentleman 's background , he will clearly represent the constituents who elected him last week .
10 Since 29-year-old Melia , from Stretchley , near Sheffield , was taken into custody he has steadfastly refused to say a word to any of the officers who questioned him .
11 This led to insubordination amongst the Seventh Infantry who attacked the Governor and wounded one of the officers who accompanied him .
12 Myeloski was beginning to realize that he could be taking on forces that encompassed the very people who ran the Soviet Union , the powermasters who employed him to keep the peace as a police officer .
13 Mr McAuley polled just 94 votes and was in bitter mood with the electors who deserted him .
14 Indeed , it was the Moors who gave him the title by which he is best known , a contraction of the Arabic sid-y , meaning ‘ my lord ’ .
15 He pointed to one or two of the maroons who accompanied him .
16 Hence , it is necessary to achieve a balanced view of Duck and the poets who followed him .
17 He does not consider it necessary to examine the patients who consult him , and he seemed unaware that he might be failing to detect serious conditions , symptoms of which a patient might erroneously have associated with diet .
18 Right , I 've just got a , two or three minutes , I 've just wan na get something quickly done before we , we close and I 'm not gon na look up all the references , because your get them for next week any way in , in the house group , but , now , now in a sense it 's difficult to understand to take all this in after all his God and were people , how do we understand Jesus , it 's , it 's difficult , however knowing something about them does help us to understand something important , it helps us to understand what happened when Jesus ascended , when he went back to heaven , you see when Jesus arose from the earth the , the disciples who watch him it says there in Acts chapter one , they saw him go up in to the heaven , up into you know in a cloud , have you ever thought what that really means what on earth was it , they saw him go up in a cloud , can you image a sort of great clouds coming and dropping down over the mountain top there and was suddenly whisking Jesus up and then watching Jesus going up in this cloud into the sky , I do n't really think it was quite like that , have you ever wonder why it was that Jesus went up in a cloud , you see what was he doing , he was n't beginning a journey to some far off place in the universe , some distant corner where God the father was , he was n't doing that at all , what do you think a cloud can you , give any suggestions of what a cloud might represent because very often a lot of some of the language in the bible is picture language and it , it , it speaks as something else , what do , what do you think a cloud , does any body have suggestions of what a cloud might speak to us about , or speak to us of , sorry , power yeah , any thing else
19 Fry said his farewells to the players who regarded him as a father figure before heading for home in Bedford a devastated man .
20 Elinor folded her arms and , shaking her head in the way Henry sometimes did at the motorists who cut him up , she began to pace up and down the red-tiled kitchen .
21 ( Alan ) Henderson , to decline the offer of a bond in 1981 when as a newly elected Committee member , he believed he needed to respect ‘ the ( contra ) attitude ( to bondholders ) of the members who voted him in ’ , and quoted the discussions at the 1979 Annual General Meeting .
22 Lauren Bacall , Bianca Jagger , Claire Bloom , Linda Thorson and Lionel Blair were among the stars who showered him with praise .
23 PAT Clinton hit back at the critics who jeered him after he retained his WBO flyweight title in Glasgow on Saturday .
24 He conquered one of Europe 's toughest courses , the tour 's strongest field and the critics who labelled him a loser with his sudden-death triumph over Colin Montgomerie , elevating him back among the world 's leading players .
25 A match with the newly-crowned WBC champion would silence the critics who accuse him of forever taking the soft option .
26 Common lawyers tended to develop regional specialisms , however , and there was thus often some correlation between a lord 's areas of interest and those of the lawyers who advised him .
27 Common lawyers tended to develop regional specialisms , however , and there was thus often some correlation between a lord 's areas of interest and those of the lawyers who advised him .
28 He says he 's now firm friends with the doctors who prepared him for freedom .
29 Daniel Stoneman has defied the doctors who gave him a one-in-10 chance of survival from a rare brain tumour .
30 We saw him in action in South Africa for the World XV in 1989 and the guys who faced him said he is the best in the business . ’
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