Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [is] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Here again , both the trend of things and the advice of the experts is in the exactly opposite direction — towards the industrialisation and depersonalisation of agriculture , towards concentration , specialisation , and any kind of material waste that promises to save labour .
2 There are two dressers in there , but as one of the splinters is in the thigh , you 'll have to get it out .
3 As Antony and Cleopatra has it , ‘ Music of the hautboys is under the stage ’ .
4 Meanwhile at Thorey Island , one of the groups is under the charge of Corporal Alison Miller , Whose civilian job is as a secretary , but at weekends she becomes a Women 's Royal Army Corps Provost NCO .
5 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
6 First because the behaviour of many of the marchers is in the worst traditions of bigotry , drunkenness and loutishness .
7 A third method of making it easier on the parties is through the Fixed Costs Scheme proposed by the Law Society .
8 The whole question of the burden of proof was nicely summed up in the Esso case by Lord Hodson where he said : It has been authoritatively said that the onus of establishing that an agreement is reasonable as between the parties is upon the person who puts forward the agreement , while the onus of establishing that it is contrary to the public interest , being reasonable between the parties , is on the person so alleging …
9 The affidavit evidence of the defendants is to the effect that they did not understand that executing a further charge was prohibited by the order .
10 The first of the CDs is in the shops on Monday , comprising the current hit ‘ Losing My Religion ’ and live versions of ‘ Stand ’ , ‘ Turn You Inside Out ’ and ‘ World Leader Pretend ’ .
11 However your emphasis in most of the articles is on the middle-income countries and bank debt .
12 One of the articles is about the abstract artist Sol LeWitt , who was in Krauss 's opinion misinterpreted by three critics as serving ‘ as triumphant illustration of the powers of human reason .
13 One of the criticisms is of the variations in approach adopted by the various county courts , court staff and registrars , resulting in a difficulty in providing advice of a consistent nature .
14 If this right to emit sparks is worth more to the railway than stopping the sparks is to the farmers ( because suppressing sparks is costly , say ) , then the railway will buy the right to emit sparks from the farmers , and the damage will continue .
15 In Crohn 's disease there is disproportionally greater inflammation than blood loss and the lack of correlation between the two suggests that the predominant site of the chemoattractants is within the gut lumen .
16 It would seem sensible to link risk with possession rather than with ownership , because the person in possession of the goods is in the best position to see that they come to no harm .
17 The emphasis in the surveys is on the landowners ' attitudes towards forestry , their responses to existing fiscal measures and the kinds of measures which might lead to landscape improvement and increased opportunities for public enjoyment .
18 Now one of the problems is in the Army , that if you do need support , it 's a sign of weakness , it 's a sign of failure , it 's almost impossible for you to get the kind of counselling and help that a lot of young lads need , and I think that a lot of young people in the Army today who maybe have got a lot of worries in their soul , and they do n't have the courage at the moment or the possibility of getting that help because of the Army culture .
19 One of the paintings is in the studio .
20 Many of the intricacies of the law of designs have little relevance to computer technology and a complete discussion of the rights is outside the scope of this book .
21 The hon. Lady has failed to understand that the ring-fenced money held by the regions is for the trusts or directly managed units .
22 To avoid problems the drafter should make clear whether the reference in the terms is to the definition current at the time of drafting or to the version in force from time to time .
23 Life-style is a controversial issue , and a full analysis of the arguments is beyond the scope of this book .
24 And the case of the sexes is on the same footing .
25 C. G. Seligman did not exaggerate when , many years ago , he declared : ‘ Field research in Anthropology is what the blood of the martyrs is to the Church . ’
26 I mean if they 'd been trodden , downtrodden for thousands of years , I mean the whole power of the landlords is in the , the councils in the erm townships everywhere .
27 A geneticist might wish to claim that the direct influence of the genes is upon the nervous system that mediates the stone-choosing behaviour , not upon the stones themselves .
28 More generally , if the sum of some or all of the constraints is of the form ( 9.6 ) then the same conclusion can be drawn .
29 Simple : the atomic reaction you expect is n't taking place , the beam with which you are bombarding the particles is on the wrong wavelength .
30 He recalled , however , enjoying Ken 's warm-up to the audience before a show 's recording — ‘ For those of you who are not familiar with the studios , remember the Ladies is on the right and the Gents is on the left — no I 'm sorry , the Gents is on the right and the ladies is … oh , what does it matter ?
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