Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 By then , the game was set in an exciting crescendo , Palace interrupting the openings contrived down the right by Mike Newell and Pat Nevin with breaks aimed at Wright 's speed and control .
2 The flames lit up the skyline but there was no sign of Mayne .
3 He was stoking the fire unnecessarily until the flames raced up the chimney .
4 The chains took up the slack and emerged from the river , long dripping lines of rusty tension , bound to the circular ship with its two little funnels .
5 Heaven help them all when the dailies came out the next day .
6 This is a problem from which the ordinary courts are not immune , but it is true that this type of uncertainty is absent from the rival schemes because there the courts lay down the precise meaning which a term should bear .
7 But the chances of Paris opening the decade with a momentous show were always dashed when the Germans held back the three most significant new cars still due this year — the new Audi 100 and BMW 3-series in a matter of weeks and the Mercedes S-Class by months .
8 The Maggot , Ellen insisted , was an untoilet-trained redneck jerk whose only expertise was as a player of the most brutal and mindless sport to be devised since the lions took on the Christians .
9 ‘ The break-up or impairment of the old ideas of discipline or order , and the life of great cities create occasions for some varieties of crime ’ , is how The Times summed up the feeling in 1899 .
10 Although the cases lay down the rule that a distinction between general skill and knowledge and business secrets must be maintained , it is impossible to formulate any general test .
11 The bells crashed out the joyous news practically all day .
12 The eunuchs piled into the entrance hall , the musicians started up the music and Vimla led the dancing by stamping her foot and ringing her little anklet bells .
13 In 1921 the employers won back the 5 per cent concession made in 1920 to the woollen workers and successfully reduced the cost of jiving addition to wages , paid since the First World War , over the next four years .
14 When the rags came out the mass of frizz made Sally screech with horror but when Louise had teased it a little with her Mason Pearson brush and a long tail comb Sally saw that the usually severe schoolgirlish cut had been transformed into a mop of pretty curls .
15 She tried to sound playful , but somehow the words came out the wrong way .
16 Christian churches throughout Jerusalem , Israel proper and the occupied territories took the unprecedented step of closing in protest for the whole day of April 27 , and the controversy encouraged an improvement in relations between the normally conservative Greek Orthodox community and Palestinian Christians ; the Middle East International of April 27 reported that , soon after the Jews took over the hospice , a Palestinian flag had been raised on a nearby Greek Orthodox Church .
17 But the dictator needed British craftsmanship for the fine tools required to operate missiles , so the Iraqis checked out the Midlands engineering firm Matrix Churchill .
18 The miners tramped up the valleys in the morning , worked all day and came down at night .
19 The lamps in the cressets gave out the scent of perfumed oil , and somewhere a lutenist was playing quietly .
20 The Croats drove out the Serbs from Kupres this week and , according to eye-witnesses , wished them well with a few genocidal strokes .
21 so you could pull it up and down and the effects went out the bottom of the tube , the tube came up like that and it came over , and like that and then the shade would be like that and then you could swing it round
22 A native singing ceremony had been performed to clear bad spirits away before the Australians took up the positions .
23 Of course they could n't all be allowed to hide behind the columns of the nave or squat upon the font , and so the stewards took down the barriers and let them flood into my side .
24 The Conservatives handed out the Greens ' fairly innocuous version of the 1989 Queen 's Speech gratis , too , in the belief that it was time the public had their eyes opened to what the party was really about .
25 Mr Heseltine was asked on LBC radio whether , if the Conservatives ended up the largest party with , say , 320 seats , Mr Major would not get on the telephone to do a deal to secure an overall majority .
26 These were the very rays which provided energy to synthesise amino acids and sugars in the primordial oceans , so the arrival of the blue-greens ruled out the possibility that life on earth could ever begin in the same way again .
27 Bush has made it plain that US forces are there simply to ensure that relief gets through to those who need it , although it might help more if the troops sorted out the renegade gangs stealing the food .
28 Computer technology was giving rise to a variety of innovative developments , and the field was in general pioneered by the CNAA and its institutions before the universities took up the challenge .
29 The wine racks had been systematically emptied , the contents poured down the sink and the bottles thrown into dustbins by the front door .
30 So far in each case where an error 's been proved , the banks paid back the money overcharged .
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