Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The dilemma can be expressed as follows : the more accessible teachers seek to make themselves to all their pupils as individuals , the less time they have for direct , extended and challenging interaction with any of them ; but the more time they devote to such extended interaction with some children , the less demanding on them as teachers must be the activities they give to the rest ; and the less demanding an activity is of their time and attention as teachers , the more the likelihood that the activity in question will demand little of the child .
2 Temperamental , moody , and irascible , he appeared to many of his critics to be culpably inconsistent in the attitudes he took to some of the contentious issues of his day .
3 Surridge 's ebullience and enthusiasm continued to flow , his force of personality holding together some pretty strong-willed characters in his XI , and the crowds they attracted to The oval were often huge .
4 as the wishes we make to the sky .
5 To understand this process , we have to look at the experiences of students themselves , and the meanings they give to their education .
6 Humans do not just react to fire , they act upon it in terms of the meanings they give to it .
7 The latter approach places more emphasis upon the subjective states of individuals , their feelings , the meanings they attach to events and the motives they have for behaving in particular ways .
8 This effectively gives a much smaller ‘ weight ’ to reference resolution than to other parts of the system ; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect , such as an alternation of word senses .
9 Indeed , both the lecturers I spoke to felt that some of their colleagues were less tolerant of dissent than they were ; we shall see later that some of the students felt this too .
10 While the hairdressers I spoke to admitted the cult of the dominating hairdresser was strong in the last decade , they all feel it 's now on it 's way out .
11 And from the cities they moved to the forest where their attitudes to the locals were as racist as Limeño attitudes were to them : to the extent that David observed , ‘ Tropical cultures are disappearing faster than the rainforests themselves . ’
12 So she had downgraded herself , attempting by each step to lose herself in the back-streets of the cities she went to .
13 ‘ But , equally important , he has the contacts you need to be a success in this game . ’
14 I was never able to establish whether she was telling the truth — virtually all the hijras I talked to shrouded the facts of their lives in a thick wrap of fantasies — but she was certainly from a middle-class background and spoke fluent English .
15 And Goldberg , in his pad : Dear Harsnet , it may surprise you to hear that after all these years I am finally at work transcribing the notes you entrusted to me so many years ago , with a view to eventually publishing them .
16 I could take that tape to some of the houses I go to , but every other word they use is an F word !
17 One of the prisoners she wrote to has died by the electric chair .
18 The following extract is from the opening pages of With Peter and Susan , the McKee Readers , book 3 ( London : Nelson — no date , although from the illustrations it appears to be a pre-war reader .
19 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
20 After writing for The Observer and The Times he returned to The Guardian as cricket and , subsequently , wine correspondent in the late 1960s .
21 In fact , out of all the times I went to the Show Room I was only asked to dance twice .
22 She pours withering scorn upon such ‘ painted poupées ’ as Joan Collins and Liz Taylor for the hours they devote to their images , as well as the men they choose as partners , but one look at the deep lines of bitterness etched into the faces of those women who renounce loving relationships in favour of cats , gardens or anything else tells me all I need to know .
23 They were one of the reasons we moved to St. Albans .
24 He said : ‘ One of the reasons I wanted to be here was to copperfasten , I hope , the central role that architecture in general , and especially the architecture of the last 300 years has in our cultural and heritage policy .
25 ‘ One of the reasons you went to the cinema when I was a teenager was to pick up girls , but I never seemed to have any luck .
26 Physics is interesting in having connotations of both : as a physical science , its discoveries ( and the skills it gives to its graduates ) have obvious uses for industry ; while its status as a ‘ pure ’ rather than an ‘ applied ’ science gives it the appearance of being removed from the uses to which it may be put .
27 It is too easy to dwell on the environmental down-side of the industry and I believe it is about time we brought home to people the improvements we bring to their life-style .
28 He told the Upchers he wanted to ‘ unite comfort and convenience with elegance but without extravagance ’ .
29 Er can you Well hopefully in the minutes I need to can somebody make a note , we have to fund raise for that .
30 It is also structured by the biographical situation of the person using the term and the definitions they give to their work role .
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