Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I should do something now , because perhaps it was for want of normal company that Eleanor Thorne lay until her mind turned the corner into madness and final decay , I should go out , I should not allow myself to brood , to carry out my sister 's peculiar whims and defer to the judgments she passes upon me .
2 Agencies ' reports will thus provide information on both the financial and operational performance of the activities they cover at an earlier stage than is possible in departmental reports .
3 The dilemma can be expressed as follows : the more accessible teachers seek to make themselves to all their pupils as individuals , the less time they have for direct , extended and challenging interaction with any of them ; but the more time they devote to such extended interaction with some children , the less demanding on them as teachers must be the activities they give to the rest ; and the less demanding an activity is of their time and attention as teachers , the more the likelihood that the activity in question will demand little of the child .
4 Like the chimpanzees , the ability of bluetits to learn the complex series of manoeuvres required to release a peanut from a special trick-feeder is no more difficult than many of the activities it learns during the course of its life , seeking out insects and seeds from the most intricate of places , getting itself and its beak into just the right position to extract the desired morsel .
5 Where did you get the inspiration for the hairstyles you created for the Awards ?
6 Well I was t taking piano lessons , studying for the exams I went over the top , I had to give it up and I did n't go to school then for another eighteen months .
7 Are they as good as , if not better than , the experts you have in your team ?
8 Temperamental , moody , and irascible , he appeared to many of his critics to be culpably inconsistent in the attitudes he took to some of the contentious issues of his day .
9 Surridge 's ebullience and enthusiasm continued to flow , his force of personality holding together some pretty strong-willed characters in his XI , and the crowds they attracted to The oval were often huge .
10 How could the child he loved most have failed to inherit either his instincts or the opinions he had with such difficulty acquired ?
11 In one 10-year period from the mid-1970s it rose from just over £30,000 to nearly £250,000 , and analysts calculate that in 20 years - when all the men it was specifically designed to help will be long dead — it will be worth well over £1m and increasing in value at more than £100,000 a year .
12 The ribbons she laid beside her on the bed and she crushed the crown in her hands until the sharp pieces of broken straw pricked her , hurt her .
13 This is backed up by the accounts we have of many aspects of the economic structure of the music business then : the drive for profit , the trend towards monopoly and conglomeration , the conservative appeal to the predictable and universally understood ( see for example , Peterson and Berger 1975 : 160–4 ; Laing 1969 : 43–5 ; Sanjek 1988 ) .
14 But there is some instability in the accounts he gives of dark professions of faith , in his acerbities and fatalities .
15 Here 's your chance to air your views and put your questions to the people responsible for the programmes you hear on Radio 2 !
16 A chance to air your views and put your questions to the people responsible for the programmes you hear on Radio 2 .
17 If you would like to help , please write a letter stating the following : ’ Dear Mayor Gordon , I have heard about the work of the Buklod Centre and the programmes it runs for the hospitality women , including health education , English lessons , income-generating projects and night care for children .
18 Nor can it be concluded that this state of affairs is anything other than unfair to residential workers and the institutions they serve in order to help young people .
19 For John Ross Scott ( above ) , whose friends call him JR , there will be a welcome return to the suits he mothballed in his Hawick wardrobe in a one-man attempt to boost the jersey trade .
20 as the wishes we make to the sky .
21 To understand this process , we have to look at the experiences of students themselves , and the meanings they give to their education .
22 Humans do not just react to fire , they act upon it in terms of the meanings they give to it .
23 The latter approach places more emphasis upon the subjective states of individuals , their feelings , the meanings they attach to events and the motives they have for behaving in particular ways .
24 Positive , forward thinking is behind Wright 's plans for the polytechnic , especially in the light of the transformations she foresees in training and education .
25 This effectively gives a much smaller ‘ weight ’ to reference resolution than to other parts of the system ; two interpretations that differ only in the referents they assign to anaphors will be much closer together in the sequence of structures presented to the plausibility checker than two interpretations that differ only in some other respect , such as an alternation of word senses .
26 I think it 's the nearest we 'll get to it , and it 's in the White Paper and it can be used in exactly the sense that I gather you would like it to be used , in the discussions we have on the results of the scrutiny , and that would be the starting point there .
27 Having looked at the development and decline of settlements , let us now look at why the settlements are where they are and the patterns they make in the landscape .
28 She lay for a few moments watching the patterns it made on the ceiling .
29 Indeed , both the lecturers I spoke to felt that some of their colleagues were less tolerant of dissent than they were ; we shall see later that some of the students felt this too .
30 You have to accept the lecturers you find in the college you attend — hardly an original thought but nevertheless an illuminating and sobering one .
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