Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The activities include befriending the elderly or taking them on day trips , re-creating trails and footpaths in National parks , organizing and running barge holidays for mentally handicapped children , and ‘ greening ’ inner cities by developing disused allotments .
2 A school with a long tradition of extra curricular activities is likely to continue with an extensive provision even if the activities alter to reflect the expertise of the adults involved .
3 The forms need to show the maximum possible numbers to include everyone on role at any time between January and December — please return them at or before the Reunion , but let us know verbally as soon as possible of any major changes — the office likes to give up to date information to enquirers .
4 However , the essays presented tackle the issue of literary texts as communicative events from very different perspectives , which undermines the core assumption that a separate discipline called literary pragmatics could ever stand as distinct and self-contained .
5 The Pakistanis seemed to find the answers to all these questions a vehement ‘ yes ’ .
6 SALIM MALIK hits back at England charges after the Pakistanis had won the Test series
7 The press and the experts had put the monkey on his back that he could n't win a major , that he seemed to be ‘ choking on Sundays ’ .
8 Often the attitudes presented reflect the ‘ jobsworth ’ approach where the right to do the job .
9 The crowds had impeded the dung carts and the piles of rubbish and refuse were everywhere , the flies rising in thick black swarms .
10 When the pickets tried to prevent the importation of coal into the country , or its movement into major steelworks like Port Talbot and Ravenscraig , they once more found lines of constables in their way .
11 However , the accounts do reveal the operation of a different form of response in these instances , expressed in what we have called a principle of equilibration .
12 The institutions involved include the Britannia Building Society , the Yorkshire Building Society , the Leeds Permanent , the Woolwich and the Leeds and Holbeck .
13 Experiments illustrated in figure 1 on fires in a storage of goods on pallets in open racks showed that in three minutes after ignition , the flames were growing at a dangerous rate , and that after eight minutes the flames had encompassed the whole height of the racking ( 18 m ) and were producing large volumes of acrid smoke .
14 As they ran into the garden , stumbling clumsily against each other , there was a hollow explosion : the flames had reached the uncovered paraffin tin .
15 Even as the flames seemed to deepen the blackness around them , the light gave comfort and a sense of security .
16 Alternatively , he could sell a futures contract at the current futures price and , at the end of T years , buy the asset in the cash market to deliver it into the futures market to fulfil the contract .
17 had found that plough carriers mounted on one of the bogies tended to throw the ploughs about , particularly if the pony wheels were worn or had flats .
18 Here and there the way opened into glades , in one of which the woodmen had left the trunk of a once mighty beech .
19 That para states that as a result of the decision in Re Duomatic Ltd ( 1969 ) 1 All ER 161 , if , on some occasion other than the annual general meeting , the shareholders agree to remunerate the directors with certain sums , then that agreement has the same force as a resolution passed in a general meeting .
20 Seems that THE SHAMEN have enlisted the services of an enigmatic character by the name of Ebeneezer Goode to pose about and gurn a bit in their latest video for the single of the same name .
21 The artists resolved to hold the Sarajevan Festival of the Arts , which was first held in 1984 at the Winter Olympics , as a gesture towards civilised life and civic identity .
22 If the creditors refuse to accept the trustee 's resignation , the court may , on the trustee 's application , give him leave to resign ( r 6.128 ) .
23 Usually , the study points out , the creditors expect to get the lion 's share of any debt relief .
24 Then there 's even more pollution caused by burning the fuels needed to generate the energy to make new products .
25 It is not far-fetched to say , as Charles Moskos of Northwestern University argues , that campaigners for gays in the ranks wanted to use the armed forces as a social-engineering experiment ; and that they wanted to impose their values on a supposedly irredentist segment of American society .
26 In the Indian sub-continent the cities have colonised the villages and the rural communities have gradually been eroded until ( ideally for industrial capitalism ) nothing remains but a pool of reserve labour which can be drawn upon as and when it is needed .
27 The industrial towns grow and the cities swell to take the still coming rural migrants .
28 ‘ It is not that the Canadians have deserted the railways , ’ says Roy Jamieson , their policy officer , ‘ the railways have deserted Canada . ’
29 The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities has assumed the role of publisher and co-owner of the journal RES Anthropology and Aesthetics , a joint venture with Harvard University 's Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology .
30 The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler .
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