Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This results in a larger tax burden on the properties scale A to E to pay , for a reduced burden on the scales F to H.
2 IRELAND 'S comprehensive 17–3 demolition of England at Lansdowne Road yesterday will boost their representation on the Lions party to New Zealand later in the year .
3 When bonds came on the market after this time they were sold quietly by the Bondholders Committee to members of the Club with a long term , proven interest in its affairs , who had either enquired about bonds or were offered them being regarded as suitable individuals .
4 He had pursued the errant couple from The Times party to Brighton 's only Portuguese restaurant and back to the lift in the Grand Hotel .
5 It is we , however , who have to work out the connections of similarity and contrast between the expressions in the groups A to L , which thereby become representative of something more general , which could not be expressed by simply adding together the literal senses of the words .
6 In a White Paper issued shortly after it came to office , the new Conservative administration reviewed the development of the PES system to date and argued that there should be regular in-depth reviews of spending programmes , on both a departmental and an interdepartmental basis .
7 As panel A of Fig. 3.2 shows , only the subjects pre-exposed to water showed neophobia ; pre-exposure to any of the other flavours produced generalized habituation of the neophobic response to saline .
8 Although originally the Roman calendar began in the spring on 1 March ( as reflected in our names for the months September to December ) , the consuls , who were elected for one year , in 153 BC began to take office on 1 January .
9 ( If you think that you are a SAD sufferer then contact your doctor. ) ( 1 ) Most SAD cases are referred to clinics in the months December to April .
10 New figures for accumulated temperature have been calculated using 0°C as the growth threshold and covering the months January to June inclusive .
11 He seemed bright enough and very eager to learn , but when I went to the school to see his work I found that his handwriting was very , very bad and his spelling was absolutely atrocious , and although he was good at mathematics , as time went on he began to get very worried and very upset about it and when I looked at his work I realized that he was doing a lot of the words back to front and was getting the direction of figures mixed up .
12 Further , some of the privileges incident to membership of the new sex may be sought .
13 Due to the grassroots attention to detail , and the extensive preparatory groundwork , the field research for the study was completed relatively quickly , several months after the funding was finally approved , and the Task Force turned its attention to the organisation and computer analysis of the data .
14 This is the enthusiasts chance to wheel out their vintage and veteran motorbikes … and show off a little .
15 There are three important papers in the application of the mixture-of-distributions hypothesis to futures prices , and these will be considered in turn .
16 It is the witches prophecy to Macbeth that he will be Thane of Cawdor and then king ( Act 1 Scene 3 ) that show to the reader that Macbeth has got ambition in him , as shown by his demand of them to speak more before they vanish .
17 Book any of the excursions C to J before you travel and enjoy , with our compliments , a fully escorted cruise on the canals of Amsterdam .
18 The bearings to 360° indicated by the RC needle are relative bearings .
19 With the balloon ripstop , one can hold fine lines , and use the colours edge to edge without having to worry about spoiling the decoration with inter-mixing or any blurs .
20 She did quite a wholesale trade with pedlars who used to retail the goods door to door in the surrounding villages .
21 Thus , they assert that the STV " puts the electors face to face with the candidates without interposing the party machine between them " .
22 It is felt that allowing students more than one resit is too generous , unnecessary when they can often make up lost ground in subsequent terms , and allows the examinations office to timetable all resits in a single block at the beginning of examination week .
23 His sonorous voice and deliberate utterance may to a great extent account for this but it should also be remarked that as Highbury Quadrant was the first church to introduce the Electrophone , perfection has been probably acquired by long practice in the details requisite to success . ’
24 The houses claimed , however , that they had informed the Ministry of Finance of the payments in 1990 , and that the ministry had chosen not make the information public , preferring to instruct the securities houses to discipline those personnel responsible .
25 A reply from the Highways Department to Councillor H.D.G. Fraser in connection with the two badly damaged light columns in Baberton Mains Avenue .
26 We were unable to explore systematically the electrical control activity in the postprandial state because of the patients intolerance to food .
27 K. P. Unnikrishnan relinquished the Communications portfolio to Janeshwar Mishra as Minister of State ( Independent Charge ) , retaining Surface Transport .
28 If you can see the mothers face to face you might discuss colours , motifs and so on .
29 But , with the Government in turmoil and the crisis over the arms sales to Iraq adding to its troubles , it was n't difficult to see that Mr Lawrence was exactly where he wanted to be .
30 The trouble with pushing the PLA into the arms business to makes ends meet is that other ministries , to their occasional embarrassment , have little control over which weapons are sold where .
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