Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
2 When it saw what pleasure the servicemen had from the course , the Club was pleased its struggle to keep it open had been successful .
3 There is a ritual in the way in which the pickets rise from the shelter of their lean-to and manoeuvre for position with a handful of police kitted out in fluorescent bibs .
4 They must then choose their wave again to carry them out and up with the swell so they can seize the ropes dangling from the platform .
5 Her mumbles rose instantly to a terrifying scream as the flames jumped from the fire , ran along the hearth , and caught her robe .
6 ‘ That variety of horrors art has spread at the bottom [ of Coalbrookdale ] ; the noise of the forges , mills , etc. , with all their vast machinery , the flames bursting from the furnaces with the burning of the coal and the smoak of the lime kilns , are altogether sublime . ’
7 Many clinicians have seized the opportunities implicit within the clinical directorate structure believing that in a cash limited system the most positive response to any threat to clinical freedom is to become involved in the discussions stemming from the financial restriction .
8 Ivan III had established several thousand new landowners on the estates confiscated from the victims of his conquest of Novgorod in the 1470s .
9 There is now little left for the creditors to salvage from the airline 's wreckage .
10 A letter to The Times of 1923 , for example , drew attention to ‘ the dangers arising from the Americanization of the British Empire from the excessive number of American motion pictures shown ’ , but things came to a head in 1924 .
11 The acquiescence by the religions derived from the various ancient scriptures in the ugly acts of war , revenge and violence is sufficient in itself to condemn them as having degenerated beyond redemption , and to be justifiably rejected .
12 Less energetic souls may prefer the views afforded from the lake steamers .
13 As the car swings off the road into the technology park , the ducks rise from the man-made lake in the middle , while the surrounding buildings could be straight out of Silicon Valley , or a quieter version of the Thames Valley .
14 In certain circumstances the trust could also be enforced against third parties in possession of the trust property ; while in the event of insolvency of the trustee the trust beneficiary had a claim for the trust property itself , rather than a personal claim for a share in the debts recovered from the trustee .
15 The ability to play chords on the horn , provided the notes derive from the same harmonic series , has long been known .
16 Every autumn , the birds rise from the Ob river swamps to begin a perilous journey south .
17 All the birds taken from the sanctuary had been fitted with microchip implants , which meant they could be clearly indentified when they were recovered .
18 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
19 The projects deriving from the first phase of the research programme cover topics like small firms , unemployment , career education in , and further education beyond , school , the agricultural sector in the economy , housing and the labour market .
20 Mr Gummer said the proposals resulted from the agri-environment regulation agreed in last year 's Common Agricultural Policy reform package .
21 Canada 's action is not altogether surprising in view of her dubious record on other conservation issues , but it is sad to see the proposals coming from the US .
22 The presentation of the proposals departed from the agenda of the Congress , which , immediately they were announced , adjourned for delegations to discuss them .
23 The great bulk of the cases come from the work of Q. Cervidius Scaevola .
24 The advice on bending the rules came from the then Defence Minister , Alan Clark .
25 The policies date from the Special Areas Act 1934 ( McCrone 1976 ) , but only in the early 1950s was the first rural region ( North West Scotland ) designated .
26 The origins of Sudan 's severe debt crisis go back to the policies pursued from the early 1970s onwards .
27 A vole mandible is illustrated here showing the incisor , three molars and the body of the mandible all in position , but immersion in water caused the teeth to separate from the mandible and the bone of the mandible itself to break up into minute fragments .
28 ‘ Ca n't be much left of that bloody town , ’ shouted one of the 3″ mortar team as we watched the bombs falling from the aircraft .
29 The five bells of the cathedral ring out a weirdly charming peal : perhaps some of the bells come from the foundry next door to the nineteenth-century cathedral .
30 The crypts separated from the lamina propria mucosa within about 30 minutes and were promptly fixed in 70% ethanol .
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