Example sentences of "the [adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But all at once the light-hearted feel to the conversation had flown .
2 He spoke briefly of the responsibility the rich owe to the poor of the Third World .
3 If he ended up with a taste for feudalism and aristocracy it was because he believed that the old paternalism was better than the inhuman gulf between ‘ classes ’ — ‘ One would wish to see the rich mingle with the poor as much as may be upon a footing of fraternal equality . ’
4 FORMER Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher now pockets more every minute than the unemployed get in a week .
5 He found him , stout and pink , in a brown suit , knee-breeches , and blue-grey stockings , sitting in the farm kitchen on the wooden settle by the fire , smoking a long clay pipe .
6 But , the heavens opened as it seems they only can when the British take to the outdoors in mid-summer .
7 The New Zealand government looks after the Cook Islands , Niue and Tokelau ; the Americans have Samoa , and the British look after the four islands of the Pitcairn group , selling stamps for the islanders to help them keep up their revenues .
8 It is difficult to exaggerate how many eggs the French have in the EC-German basket .
9 Many children have been injured in increasing numbers over the last year , and it was the idea of one school teacher in Oxford to bring a group of gendarmes over to England to teach children how the French behave on the roads .
10 Over 12 acres of Gardens ranging from the formal circular Rose Garden on the site of the Old Keep to the Wild Garden in the ravine .
11 Maybe other industrialised Nations will affect European trade in the future , as the Japanese have over the last 10 years .
12 Neither the Lamoureux nor ‘ Symphony Orchestra ’ in the early 1930s were first rate ensembles technically , but the authentic feel for the music is there , no mistake about it .
13 The following have in the past been regarded as a natural user of land ; water installations in a house or flat , a fire in a domestic grate , burning stubble in the normal course of agriculture , electric wiring and gas pipes in a house or shop , the ordinary working of mines and minerals on land , erecting or pulling down houses or walls , trees whether planted or self-sown ( if not poisonous ) .
14 A sticking-point seemed to be the Burmese demand for the Frontier areas to be brought into the constitutional process .
15 But the reader is mistaken if he assumes that the humble eat below the salt in that great hall , or that the poor come to the buttery-hatch for alms .
16 In the CytR binding site , the substitutions in the five mutant promoters are indicated , the inverted arrows indicate the inverted repeat in the CytR binding site and the tandem arrows indicate the direct repeat .
17 The arrows indicate the sequences in the CRP sites that share homology with the consensus CRP site , the boxes indicate the sequences sharing homology with the inverted repeat in the CytR recognition sequence in deoP2 , the numbers indicate coordinates with respect to the start site for transcription ( +1 ) .
18 The molecular weight markers on the left apply to the amplifications of human DNA and those on the right to the amplifications of schistosome DNA .
19 Numbers on the left refer to the molecular weight standards ( MW st ) .
20 It lists the revenues due to the apostolic see from the patrimonial estates and the tributes and payments from various European secular rulers and religious houses .
21 To judge from Egypt , the traditional bell-wether of the Arab flock , they are failing to do so .
22 Wha what happens if the good come from the store ?
23 But the reader is mistaken if he assumes that the humble eat below the salt in that great hall , or that the poor come to the buttery-hatch for alms .
24 The televised ceremony was attacked by army troops and over 40 people killed , to the irrevocable discredit of the regime .
25 Faye was lying on the outdoor lounger on the veranda as she had been yesterday , and she greeted Belinda briefly , her face creased with tension , before turning to Tom .
26 Visitors can see the Great Keep in the centre of the fortress as well as a rare Roman lighthouse , a Saxon church and a network of ancient earthworks .
27 The cellular density of the inflammatory infiltrate in the mucosa may affect phospholipid composition , as has been reported for colon mucosa .
28 None of the characters he meets comes alive ( designer Wayne Cherry is the nearest ) , and the dramatic feel for the politicking , pressures and personal fears and obsessions that so enlivened Kidder 's book is lacking .
29 ‘ O Lord my God , if I have done this , if there be iniquity in my hands , if I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me ’ leapt out from Psalm 7 and so did ‘ Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end ’ .
30 It aims to provide a fleet of electric wheelchairs and scooters which will be available free of charge to help the disabled get about the town centre .
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