Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He 's been doin' what he 's been told to do , and feedin' me back all the inside information I need .
2 Restriction digests of atk coding segments in patients A and B. The normal Taq I digest products , in each case , are shown in lanes 1 and 8 , respectively , and uncleaved normal products are shown in lanes 4 and 5 , respectively .
3 I mean Ro R Roger advised the client 's agent in the normal way I mean
4 I have discussed these matters briefly here because the broad distinction I have drawn is relevant to describing the ‘ shape ’ of the speech community and locating patterns of change within it .
5 The entranced girl I stood behind in the gallery at Covent Garden in June , nearly fainting in the heat — such a summer , that year — to hear Chaliapin in Prince Igor …
6 I did not date the typed copy I made — for Dana could not or would not type , and after we had finished a poem to our common satisfaction , I had to type it out while he rested on the bed — but I am fairly certain it was written soon after I met Dana in that Spanish class for foreigners , which I have noted in my 1957 Letts Diary : ‘ Wednesday , October 16 .
7 In my retelling of the Divine Drama I have made use of primitive mythological ways of speaking because I do not believe that we have a better language that is available to us when it comes to understanding God 's revelation as story — as the great epic of salvation .
8 Well I can only really , I suppose , talk from the point of view of Britain and Spain , which is the European country I know best .
9 When I look at the European Community I see foreign policy and internal security pillars and ask myself how well the Government have been able to keep them purely intergovernmental and how many commitments we are making that will damage British interests in the future .
10 We went farther up the wasted beach , still finding interesting pieces of flotsam and finally coming to the rusted remnant I thought was a water-tank or a half-buried canoe , from a distance .
11 I could n't eat the damn meal I had erm steak and kidney puddings , no steak and kidney pastry pie .
12 In the photograph on the facing page I have designed an S-shape for Sheen , but it could just as easily have been a J for Joanna , or any of the other letters of the alphabet .
13 but the strong impression I had is walking over the hill from Kettleborough where the gun club now is walking down into this valley and seeing that view of this little end of the village nestling in the hollow and I can remember feeling a extraordinarily strong sensation that I could easily live there
14 The disparaging rant I wrote contained no less than two spelling mistakes .
15 The sole conclusion I feel able to draw is that your young lady had been a child prostitute . ’
16 Only the odd occasion I 've heard your nan say , No .
17 I did n't , it was so cold yesterday , we 'd been out in the morning and I decided to put him in his cot , on the odd occasion I do , do , he 's gone to sleep without any problems
18 And having smoked the odd joint I do n't really feel
19 What always amazes me when we play scrabble I mean , things that I consider to be slang you know , on the odd time I thought well I 'll try that
20 Soft muslin cloth for the odd time I do n't want the work to get too hot .
21 Who was the tall man I had seen standing against the moon ?
22 And yet , alighting in the sunshine from the trembling train I found myself in a space transfigured by the three stages of the passage through the underworld that is matinee cinema : the transition from day to night ; the day for night of the viewing ; the transition back to daylight .
23 But even with that clutch of reasons to be glassy-eyed , I 've stayed almost sober for an entire month , sitting miserably at the bar wondering why low-alcohol lager has an after-taste like floor polish , and disturbing old friends with the rapt attention I give to such enquiries as : ‘ Ice and lemon in your tonic water , sir ? ’
24 It turned out that her son was a great friend of the paraquat-wielding monk I had seen at the monastery farm near Roscrea .
25 Not only had I gained the technical degree I 'd been chasing , but I 'd finally achieved a position in a business when I could use that expertise to its full potential .
26 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
27 And from C P R E's point of view we we would feel that the best way to do that is to is to reconvene if that 's the right word , the forum of Greater York authorities to look in more detail at at each of the sectors and under undertake the the technical comparison I think in a in in a fair and reasonable way which which I do n't think we 've really we 've really achieved during erm three hours of discussion today .
28 Certainly Conchis had n't got the petty-bourgeois gentility and the woolly vocabulary I associated with séance -holders ; but he was equally certainly not a normal man .
29 When the oral antibiotic I 'd used before did n't work this time around , I insisted on seeing a specialist .
30 Here houses looked to me like Monopoly chips : seeing a man cycling over the pathless tundra I scanned hopelessly for a possible point of reference he might have .
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