Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Cold , I descended out of the narrow cleft to seek out more sport .
2 The persistent tendency to cover up for our lack of effectiveness by using vague language must be strongly resisted .
3 He did extend his stay , helped to arrange and classify the Sherard collection of plants , many obtained from Greece and Asia Minor , and found more in the Botanic Garden to take back to Holland .
4 Their belief in ‘ maximum self-reliance ’ with regional parliaments retaining ‘ most legislative powers ’ did not prevent the British manifesto from declaring that a Green government would use the European courts to speed up UK compliance with EC environmental directives .
5 KPMG has been appointed by the European Commission to carry out a survey of venture capitalists in the European Community .
6 Many of these boil down to the simultaneous call to go back to doing it the way it was , to keep on doing it the way it is , and to move forward to doing it differently .
7 Gertrude Stein expressed much the same idea when she wrote , ‘ Picasso in his early Cubist pictures used printed letters as did Juan Gris to force the painted surface to measure up to something rigid and the rigid thing was the printed letter . ’
8 Mubarak thus referred to those " who falsely use the Islamic logo to cover up their acts ; … religion to these people becomes a trade . "
9 Meanwhile , at the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva , Portugal , the former colonial ruler of East Timor , called on Feb. 12 for a UN-sponsored international delegation to be allowed into the occupied territory to carry out an independent assessment of the situation there .
10 This would cause many of the possible infinities to cancel out , but it was suspected that some infinities might still remain .
11 They have n't shown the political will to sort out the problem — there has been an element of divide and rule .
12 Even an American government can limit professional autonomy in this way , though whether it has the political will to back up its threat remains to be seen .
13 Both Bomber Command and the American Air Forces were concentrating on oil refineries and synthetic petroleum plants as well as the usual railway marshalling yards and arms factories all over France and western Germany in order to enable the invading armies to carry on advancing , but air losses were heavy .
14 Fang appeared prepared to sacrifice his privileges as part of the technical intelligentsia to speak out ; otherwise , he believed ‘ education will remain a master-apprentice affair ’ ( Kelly 1987 : 134 ) .
15 And have you ever put a tree a Christmas tree in a tub and packed earth round it and got the bloody thing to stand up straight ?
16 Capital accumulation is a relatively easy matter for the self-employed but is almost impossible for the professional manager to achieve out of income .
17 The outburst follows the allied decision to set up an exclusion zone to protect Shi'ites in Southern Iraq .
18 The ability of the loyalist terrorists to track down the location is an illustration of how much better their intelligence on the IRA has become .
19 The agreement , under which the government expected to save $1,000 million , included options for the creditor banks ( i ) to make new bond loans carrying a 15-year maturity and seven-year grace period before payment of interest which would be equivalent to 20 per cent of their exposure ; ( ii ) to offer 30 per cent discounts on bonds for loans swaps in return for guarantees on principal and interest payments and additional payments after six years if oil prices rose beyond a specified level ( thought to be $26 per barrel ) ; ( iii ) to cut interest rates to 5 per cent for two years before gradually raising them ; or ( iv ) to allow the Venezuelan government to buy back existing loans at larger discounts ( estimated to be 60-65 per cent ) should the banks be willing to take the loss .
20 Thus , where a landlord was entitled to enter the demised property to carry out such improvements , additions and alterations as he considered reasonable , he was held to be entitled to demolish and reconstruct all the existing buildings comprising the demised property without putting an end to the tenancy ( Price v Esso Petroleum Co Ltd ( 1980 ) 255 EG 243 ) .
21 Nor is it possible to have a membrane with pores of just the right size to allow in needed substances from outside but not let essential substances escape , if only because the cell may need to retain some small molecules , and admit some larger ones .
22 You have to work out the right questions to find out what you want to know , see ? "
23 Appropriate sociability means saying the right things to strike up a rapport with your client , helping them to relax , feel comfortable and get to know you before cutting the business .
24 Bryan Gould is as good as gold and Gerald Kaufman is a happy-go-lucky bachelor who 's still waiting for the right girl to come along .
25 ‘ And he 's the right man to go in and get the truth . ’
26 He added : ‘ I 'm happy I made the right decision to go back .
27 Before Eva had time to do a mental check list of any way that she or the students at the ICO might have offended , General Wiseman informed her that he felt she was the right person to take over leadership of the women 's social services .
28 Selecting the right personnel to carry out the PR function .
29 Measuring the statistical improbability of a suggestion is the right way to go about assessing its believability .
30 Ordinary kids might go robbing or beating up old ladies , something like that ; I used to come down here 'cause I knew that was n't the right way to let out the aggression .
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