Example sentences of "the [num ord] year of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Enrolment during the second year of operation of the new programmes has been encouraging , with 721 students enrolling on the Certificate and 144 on the Diploma courses .
2 The second year of operation of the Napier Enterprise Centre has seen the activities of the Centre making a real impact on staff and students of the University .
3 In only the second year of operation , the ‘ jetless ’ Rendcomb Aerial Derby looks firmly set to take over the mantle of the Badminton Air Day , now sadly defunct .
4 I mentioned earlier the finding that ( from as early as the second year of life ) boys are , on average , more aggressive than girls ; and there are also differences in the way in which the sexes express their hostility .
5 During the second year of life children start to develop some understanding of what will upset and annoy a sibling .
6 By the second year of life the child is capable of physical independence to a marked degree .
7 On the other hand , a multivariate analysis of data from 39 WFS countries ( Hobcraft , et al , 1985 , pp. 371–373 ) showed that the deleterious effect of short spacing is substantial during the second year of life and , when the later child survives , the survival chances of the previous child decrease during childhood .
8 The premature termination of breastfeeding that typically occurs when conception follows a birth in too short a time contributes to inadequate nutrition of the weaned child and explains , at least in part , the morbidity ( and mortality ) levels among children in the second year of life .
9 TODDLER MORTALITY — mortality of one-year-old children ( i.e. mortality during the second year of life ) .
10 In the second year of life , children start to engage in pretence .
11 The colourful addition to the Bedford fleet has been refurbished and repainted in Wimpey colours to mark the second year of sponsorship by WCUK Eastern .
12 I am confident that by January 1994 , as the Institute reviews the second year of audit regulation , we shall be able to demonstrate that professional regulation is working and is working well .
13 For 54p a week , a family of Friends enjoys , among other benefits , free entry to all Historic Scotland monuments and , from the second year of membership , to all English and Welsh CADW monuments ( with half-price admission in the first year ) .
14 Application for admission to honours is made at the end of the second year of study .
15 The course would run for seven years , at the end of which graduates would enter the second year of residency programmes .
16 In the second year of recovery the recurrent cravings have mostly subsided and people in recovery develop progressively more insight into the nature of addictive disease in general and their own addictive disease in particular and also into the true , broader , meaning of recovery as something more than mere avoidance of previous addictive substances or behaviour .
17 Opening Up The East Josephine Lanyon reports on the second year of East & South which has attracted an extraordinary number of women artists
18 If unable to take a triple science in the 5th year the missing subject should be included in the 6th year of study .
19 This month , they also celebrate the 30th year of production at Ellesmere Port .
20 I hope that these very brief summaries of our business do not leave you feeling depressed after the fourth year of recession in our industry because we all have a good deal to be optimistic about .
21 We were surprised at the continuing estimates of fixed costs , as we would have expected a minimal time investment after the first year of familiarisation , but given that training was identified as the major cost , it may be that this forms the bulk of the continuing cost .
22 The mean cost in the first year of treatment of sclerotherapy patients ( £1094 ) was a quarter of the mean cost of surgery patients ( £4368 ) , and this difference is highly significant ( p<0.0001 ) .
23 For those surviving the first year of life , however , the chances were improving ; death-rate fell from 23 per 1,000 ( living ) in 1841 to 18 per 1,000 in 1901 .
24 Do not give the child eggs , fish , chocolate , wheat , oranges , peanuts or other nuts for at least the first six months , and preferably for the first year of life .
25 The attachment to a preferred person develops most strongly in the first year of life .
26 During the first year of life children seem to become aware of objects and to realise that objects behave in quite different ways to themselves and to other people .
27 Anxious children showed a slightly different pattern : there were often marked increases in fears and worries during the first year of life of the sibling .
28 1980 ) and onset is during the second half of the first year of life .
29 During the first year of life weight gain is due to increase in size of fat cells , but from 12 to 18 months increase in weight is due primarily to an increase in fat cell number ( Knittle et al .
30 Many mothers do not even try to toilet train their children until the age of 2 years or later while others deliberately train their child during the first year of life ( Douglas and Richman 1984 ) .
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