Example sentences of "the [n mass] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the case of the fry remaining with the parents this may be particles of the adult 's food .
2 Especially because of all the evidence that different species , and different processes within a single organism , use variants of similar molecular mechanisms to carry out specified tasks , those with the good fortune to have the time to think about the data accumulating in the literature would probably reap a rich harvest of understanding .
3 In the present example the data were entered into a file from a terminal using free format , and a program was written to re-format the data according to the requirements of the SYMAP program .
4 Rather it has the magnanimous ambition of offering the public a hands-on experience of the recent computerisation of all the data relating to the excavations .
5 The data relating to the patients ' dietary habits were collected after endoscopically confirmed ulcer healing in 985 patients to assess their habitual intake in relation to their normal physical activity , in the absence of active ulceration .
6 This accident occurred on February 1 , 1951 , and ended with the aircraft ditching in the sea of Jahore , the crew , escaping with minimal injuries .
7 David Walton , 40 , who received the aircraft today from Air Commodore David Hurrell , said : ‘ The likelihood of the aircraft taking to the sky again is fairly remote but it will be preserved in its current condition and who knows what the long term future holds .
8 Several organisations have been signed-up to the rebuild and the schedule has the aircraft flying on the 50th anniversary date .
9 The road was just as wide as the Tri-Pacer , and fearing a truck would not see us if we pulled off to the side , we left the aircraft sitting in the middle of the road .
10 I would think so and the particularly the folk living in the towns consciously tended to use less Orcadian you know they they 'd more dealings with folk from outside the islands for one thing and folk come on in off ships and so on .
11 it was the th the old man that lived in er u up in Mount Blair , he did n't like the folk going to the kirk and he lifted this big stone and fell down .
12 What about the folk working in the tunnel , would they need air at all ?
13 At summer temperatures the major water quality problem is due to a lack of dissolved oxygen which results in the fish gasping at the water surface , showing rapid gill movements and , in severe cases , dying .
14 This is particularly important when Catfish are housed in the aquarium because if the substrate has stagnated the fish living on the substrate are the first to suffer .
15 Firstly , the statistics appearing in the background paper were frequently berated for failing to make clear the actual level of default amongst partnerships and thus for misdirecting the profession on the issues .
16 We leaned over a humpbacked stone bridge looking at the trout basking in the crystal water .
17 The kidnapper has absconded from the probation hostel where he was awaiting sentence after admitting committing the offence.Since going on the run , Thomas Rennie has phoned the woman 's family to say he 's ’ going to get them . ’
18 He looked at the people drinking in the restaurant bar , and thought the same .
19 In reality , Scotland 's premier stadium-fillers have always striven for scale on a windswept , neo-Celtic level ; grand dreams , grander schemes , the proverbial men of the people reaching for the impossible .
20 On the Alpha , DEC said that roll-out of Alpha-based systems continues on schedule but that because it is a major programme , it will continue to take several quarters to implement fully — and rather than talk numbers of machines or orders , the company chose to focus on the people writing for the thing , saying that more than 500 Alpha AXP applications from partners and 50 software products are available today .
21 As has been pointed out in Chapter Two , an integrated education programme should be based on the views of all the people participating in the various educational processes , but the final success of a given course depends , to a large extent , on the motivation of the students .
22 This was when the people living on the Georgia coast in the southeast corner of the United States began growing and eating maize .
23 Seventy per cent of the people living on the estate had no wage and depended on state benefits .
24 They found that the people living on the estate did not have such intimate contact with their extended kin network .
25 The people living on the estates , especially the elderly , tended to be isolated , and a number of new residents felt lonely and insecure .
26 ‘ Wo n't that seem odd — to the people living on the ground floor — to have everything around them squashed up ? ’
27 This expropriation took the form of tithes , taxes and labour in kind in return for the physical protection of the people living on the land by the noble landowners .
28 As the situation went from bad to worse , the people living near the volcano became increasingly distressed , and many tried to leave St Pierre , heading for Fort-de-France , Martinique 's second town .
29 Some of the Maritime school go further and ask the question , ‘ Who are We ? ; and answer it by pointing out that We are not just the people living in the United Kingdom today .
30 Aberdeen ( 200 000 people ) has attracted over a quarter of all the people living in the Highlands .
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