Example sentences of "the [noun sg] at the first " in BNC.

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1 That is to say that Middle C , at 256Hz , has its true pitch represented on the guitar at the first fret , second string .
2 In the symmetry consensus , the simple consensus is converted to a palindrome based on the most frequent base at each symmetrical position , i.e. in the right half site , the base at the first position is not conserved , however , an A is found at the symmetrical position in the left half-site in all four sites , hence , the first position in the right half site is a T in the symmetry consensus .
3 Many had favoured Frankfurt , a larger town , a major business centre , and the seat at the first all-German parliament in 1848 .
4 Metal gauges then show the woodworkers the exact profile of the neck at the first and twelfth frets .
5 Alan Bond , the embattled Australian beer and media tycoon , was the underbidder at the first great trophy auction : for Van Gogh' Sunflowers .
6 Henry Calverley won the arrow at the first meeting at Scorton , but it was not held there again until 1754 , so it may be that he was keeping this promise .
7 I cleared the bar at the first height , then at the second height , but on the third attempt I knocked the bar over .
8 ‘ It is disappointing because he was just getting the hang of Wimbledon and he would have won if he had n't taken the knock at the first bend , ’ said Williams .
9 Forcing a litigant to settle with a judge who had usurped jurisdiction , in order to avoid still higher costs in a superior court , was not likely to have enhanced the popularity of the regality court of Glasgow , and , quite apart from the fact that he was himself injured by Sproull 's actions , Montrose had little choice but to remove the bailie-depute at the first opportunity .
10 For the rest we had to depend on such persuasion as I could muster in my speech opposing the adoption of the agenda at the first meeting .
11 Mr McIntyre represented the Library at the first East/West conference on the conservation of library materials held in Budapest in September ; he presented a paper on ‘ Risk Management ’ and acted as Conference Chairman on the final day .
12 Although urban dwellers troop out to the countryside at the first available opportunity and nature plays a significant part in Japanese sentiment , the cultural and other attractions of the cities have a magnetizing effect in an era which has produced a strong emphasis on material rather than spiritual wealth .
13 It was Petula Clark who set the feeling at the first rally for Mrs Thatcher after she became Prime Minister .
14 You 're not allowed to work on it and er that 's about it really , our programme , we 've decided to er start the pipe at the first position away from the tank construction and we 've , we 've set out , we employed a concrete layer and to lay out the pipes while we 're doing nothing and continue on with the so that while this gang is actually laying there 's only er six people in total .
15 I leave the road at the first sight of Loch Arkaig and go across country , keeping to the paths through the bracken .
16 2.19 Approaching the calculation at the first stage , valuing the dependency or the multiplicand , is to some extent an arithmetical exercise .
17 It was a bad one for me right from the start when I got involved in the spinning at the first corner . ’
18 The implication is that Pope John sided with the minority at the first session and was ‘ upset ’ ( as the minority often asserted ) at the rejection of such excellent drafts .
19 Little , anxious for Darlington to emulate Lincoln City by returning to the League at the first attempt , is convinced that the habit of the League 's poorer brethren somehow surviving can not last .
20 In six appearances in carcass competitions at the Royal Smithfield Show he has taken three major championships and three reserves ; his lambs have triumphed at the Birmingham Primestock Show ‘ umpteen times ’ and topped the lot at the first national Welsh Primestock Show last year at Builth Wells .
21 To portray specific characters , whether imagined or real ( some were known to members of the audience at the first performance of Enigma Variations and Isadora ) , the would-be choreographer can use classical dance as a firm base but must pay more attention to his characters as particular individuals .
22 It will be a piquant moment if Hamnett indeed wins the title of British Designer of the Year at the first televised Fashion Awards ceremony at the Albert Hall on Tuesday night .
23 Faldo sank a four-yard birdie putt on the last green and watched Norman miss from three feet , before celebrating his sixth win of the year at the first sudden-death hole .
24 When the screen is accessed for the first time for any Offline run , the system will position the cursor at the first field requiring an entry .
25 and Timothy Brennan for the Crown at the first hearing .
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