Example sentences of "the [noun sg] to some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ wildlife element went by the board to some degree , earning any claim to the title by default , rather than by any positive features .
2 He timed his nods and yesses and ‘ Indeeds ! ’ on an entirely mathematical basis , interspersing them with a sort of pucker-cum-squint that could be mild disagreement or the preface to some statement of his own .
3 To overcome the difficulty to some extent in this kind of situation , the Central Committee will allow the Legal Advice and Assistance Scheme reasonable charges to the Scottish solicitor for meetings with the client , including minor correspondence , but not an account of an English solicitor as an outlay .
4 The former typically involve some sort of ‘ legitimating belief , i.e. ‘ a belief , attitude , grievance , ideology , or definition of the situation held by riot participants that directly ties the riot to some problem in the social structure and justifies or explains ( their ) behaviour , at least to themselves ( Smith , 1983:146 ) .
5 The alternative to some form of conversion system is to purchase a printer which has been modified to operate directly with the Spectrum , just as Sinclair 's own ZX Printer does .
6 I had studied certain aspects of the law to some purpose .
7 Bevan was the spur to Priestley 's powerful pen : ‘ The sight of a naked minister might bring the conference to some sense of our human situation , ‘ he wrote , ‘ What should be abandoned is deterrence-by-threat-of-retaliation .
8 In some cases the State conducting the investigation ( by virtue of being the State of occurrence ) sought only to exonerate the services ( chiefly air traffic control and navigational services ) from any involvement in the cause of the accident while at the same time being content to attribute the cause of the accident to some shortcoming on the part of the pilots without seeking to find out why they made such mistakes .
9 Can I sorry could I could I take obviously take some question people wish to ask a question because I think it 's important that before people start drifting away we actually bring the meeting to some conclusion and determine where we 're gon na go with the meeting once it 's actually passed .
10 In general , microorganisms present at the site have had sufficient opportunity to adapt to the contaminants and have degraded the waste to some extent .
11 Can you erm , quantify what costs were taken above the line in the first half in terms of redundancy costs , restructuring costs , in the presentation to some restructuring again in the fine china division and how that compared to last year ?
12 A solid-fuel boiler , whether a separate boiler , an Aga-type cooker/ hot water boiler or a back boiler , is the most difficult to control and will heat the water to some extent all the time that the fire is lit .
13 Highlights from the past include 400 class members ( clad in blue tunics , what else ? ) taking part in the 1968 Norfolk Show in the presence of Queen Elizabeth , the Queen Mother , who remarked later in the day to some class members how much she had enjoyed their display , and Norfolk 's Jubilee Rally in 1977 , when Molly Braithwaite was presented with a bouquet from Norfolk 's oldest class member , 82 year old Mrs Grapes .
14 Occasionally I might buy him the big third Mac , the third Big Mac , just to prove to him he ca n't eat it , and this establishes in the superego a , that the , the superego to some extent speaks for reality and , and the reality sense is part of the , is part of the standards which are built into , which are built into the superego , and to , and therefore to a large extent the superego opposes the pleasure principle that operates in the id .
15 Descriptive studies of pre-school education ( Parry and Archer 1974 , Gilkes 1987 ) have illuminated the debate to some extent and aims and objectives approaches to curriculum design can serve as pragmatic guidelines in the absence of a consensus about short and longer term criteria for early childhood education .
16 Both of these will already be present in the patch to some degree , but if you want more reverb , for instance , this is simply a case of playing with the reverb ‘ level ’ and ‘ time ’ controls .
17 This masterpiece lacks its head ; but if we look from the hawk-priestess to some marble heads of the later sixth century we see the beginning and end of the tradition in which it must have been made .
18 It is necessary to-keep a small stock of gearboxes because there is some uncertainty about how many will be used on any day , and reordering subjects the firm to some delay .
19 I gave the message to some chamberlain and staggered back . ’
20 Randle and Pottle stated in their book that they were aware of the severe sentences that they might face , but ‘ could , however , offset the disaster to some degree by writing up the story ; this would help to defray the legal costs and provide some minimal support ’ for one of their families .
21 In addition the " plain language " requirements ( although , arguably , case law on the interpretation of contracts and the Consumer Credit Act 1974 deal with the matter to some extent ) will also need an enactment .
22 Petrological analyses that have been carried out support the model to some extent , especially for the production of domestic pottery ; much of it is grass-tempered which Brown ( 1976 ) suggests represents an equal mixture of clay and horse manure .
23 Nobody could blame her for taking life as seriously as she 'd had to , but the way to some kind of peace and personal balance would surely lie in the opportunity to stop running and relax a little .
24 Sebba and Wootton ( 1984 : 8 – 9 ) concluded on the basis of London English/Creole switching data which they studied , that there was a tendency for speakers to use a switch from Creole to London English within a turn " to change from the main theme of the conversation to some kind of subroutine or secondary material : a check on shared information , a search for a missing name or date , a comment indicating how the adjacent material should be interpreted . "
25 Each person can direct and manipulate the conversation to some extent .
26 Whatever the syllabus says , the teacher and the school to some degree choose their own language medium .
27 In Europe , for example , the removal of temperate forest began more than 5 kyr BP when permanent agricultural systems replaced the hunting and gathering strategies of the mesolithic period ( sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 ) ; and has continued ever since , though post-war afforestation policies have redressed the balance to some extent ( section 8.2 ) .
28 ‘ You were ill at the time to some extent , but you were a businessman and must have known what you were doing , paying substantial sums of money yourself . ’
29 Any treatment will affect the filter to some extent , so you will need to be vigilant and if you need to change any water while carrying out treatment , then the medication should be replaced in the top up water at the correct dosage .
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