Example sentences of "the [noun sg] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We must also consider the opportunity that some occupations have for deliberately restricting access to the acquisition of the skills needed to do the job , thereby keeping down their distribution amongst the population , and enabling them to claim higher rewards in the market place .
2 Three members of the Supreme Court , Justices Brennan , Marshall and Blackmun , joined in a concurring opinion , rejecting the view of the majority that each forum had , in effect , complete freedom to decide when the Convention should control ; it was ‘ implausible ’ that that represented the intention of the drafters of the Convention .
3 Papinian notes that the wording of the trust does not admit the granddaughter , for her claim is restricted to the eventuality that both sons have died childless , which is not the case .
4 Oh God , the weakness that these walls have witnessed !
5 Oh God , the weakness that these walls have witnessed !
6 The second to seventh defendants have complained to the ombudsman that such valuations made in respect of further loans to them were carried out negligently by an employee of , in the case of the second and third defendants , the Halifax Building Society ; in the case of fourth and fifth defendants the Woolwich Building Society , and in the case of the sixth and seventh defendants the Leeds Permanent Building Society .
7 A simplistic analysis and synthesis of function is pursued and this tends to eliminate the interlocution , the din and the vigour , the extravagances and the variety that casual solutions might offer .
8 Acer claims that its machine is unique , ‘ a first ’ , and is spearheading the direction that future technology will take .
9 Accordingly , their Lordships will humbly advise Her Majesty that the appeal should be allowed and the case remitted to the Court of Appeal with the direction that that court should quash the conviction of the defendant and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever course it considers proper in the interests of justice .
10 They lead us , also , in the direction that all science aims at , towards prediction .
11 On receiving a letter from the Chairperson of the of the Hong Kong ‘ Branch ’ Standing Committee resolved that the Branch should be formally constituted with the provision that all members of the Branch were registered members of Convocation .
12 Ours is the only Government who have as a priority in our negotiations in Brussels the provision that all subsidies should be subject to some form of environmental assessment .
13 But , even so , thanks in part to the new legislation , in part to the administrative machinery of the Court of Wards , and in part to the provision that monastic lands be sold as tenancies-in-chief , the income from feudal dues rose from £4,434 in 1542 to an average of £7,700 per annum in the first three years of Edward VI .
14 Mercifully , Islington was not the disease-trap that nearby Shoreditch was , and the Titfords were spared the fate of many of their fellow citizens .
15 This is more than the change that inner London received , and I think it 's quite unbelievable that York 's population , base population is actually starting of from the figure of er a hundred and three , a hundred and four thousand , and I think York City Council will agree with that in any case , erm , the new major estimates for nineteen ninety two would already suggest that that population 's declined by a further thousand , which I think emphasizes that these major estimates are estimates , and because of the differ the difficulties within the census for nineteen ninety one , with under enumeration , some problems may have occurred .
16 A vector is parallel transported around an infinitesimal closed path and the change that this operation produces in the vector is calculated .
17 So great is the change that common sense , with these new anchored elements , is no longer , properly speaking , common sense : it is a social representation .
18 The support that that quotation received proves the point .
19 And despite massive obstacles — the destruction caused by the First World War , the ravages of a civil war brought on by the support that foreign capitalists lent the savage counter-revolutionary efforts of Russia 's defeated classes , international isolation in the inter-war period , the appalling destruction wrought by Hitler 's rapacious invasion , the sustained hostility of the capitalist West — a socialist society was built .
20 I tell him Dynjandi — the local name for the waterfall that most visitors to Iceland would recognise as Fjallfoss — and he thinks a little .
21 Yesterday , Chalmers solicitor in Belfast , Ian Kerr , told The Scotsman that several matters , including an appeal against the conviction and moves for a re-trial , were under consideration .
22 Miss Williamson , for the bank , submitted that agency only was insufficient to found liability ; there must also be notice on the part of the creditor that undue influence would or might have been exercised .
23 This is the trick that modern fish , other than sharks , have perfected .
24 A 100-yard net can be properly set in less than five minutes — I could do that single-handed out of experience , but there is nothing in the technique that any novice need regard as prohibitive .
25 The fallacy that secondary impotence is to be expected as the male ages is probably more firmly entrenched in our culture than any other misapprehension .
26 Sociologists have also strongly questioned the fallacy that social problems are necessarily the product of ‘ bad ’ things .
27 In fact so much bullion was melted down and dispersed after the heist that this Christmas many women could be given jewellery made from the haul .
28 The biggest conflicts looming over negotiations for a climate treaty , which begins this month , involve the money that rich countries must give to poor ones to enable them to develop with reduced CO 2 emissions .
29 The rest of the money that British Rail has available should be spent on projects that are desperately needed to provide jam today , not tomorrow , for the commuters who are paying British Rail for the services it offers today .
30 I mean the the money that some people spend on on a wedding i I mean it it 's just one day and then you got yo it 's your life afterwards that really counts .
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