Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [modal v] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Generally , the tag will contain information about the item such as …
2 Nevertheless , Noriega 's attorneys had previously won a significant victory : on Aug. 8 presiding US District Court judge William Hoeveler ruled against the Justice and State departments and the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) that the defence should have access to classified government documents concerning the relationship between US intelligence agencies and the accused .
3 If a UK beneficiary is entitled to the trust income because , for example , he has an interest in possession , the income may form part of his total income and he would pay tax on it in the normal way .
4 This has the advantage that , with careful structuring , the income can escape distribution to the UK .
5 Small wonder there is now talk in Bonn that the Social Democrats in the Bundesrat may block legislation ; that Mr Kohl , though chancellor , may be dumped by his party , as Ludwig Erhard once was ; or that his centre-right coalition with the Free Democrats will split , as the centre-left one led by Helmut Schmidt did in 1982 .
6 The ombudsman will have power to recommend that a lawyer or professional body pay compensation , but not to compel payment .
7 The ombudsman will have power to recommend that a lawyer or professional body pay compensation , but not to compel payment .
8 We believe that the Direction must require notification of all schemes which either individually or cumulatively add up to 20,000 sq m , where separate schemes are being considered together .
9 Lord James Douglas-Hamilton , education minister , said the change would bring credit to Queen Margaret 's graduates and to Scotland 's growing academic standing .
10 The change would take effect at the end of his present term ( 1965 ) or before then , if he were to die in office .
11 The change must take effect by March 1996 .
12 Actually , this experiment alone does not demonstrate that experience is necessary : the change could take place automatically with age .
13 Blanketweed collecting on the waterfall may cause water to seep away from the pond itself .
14 The retailer must pay VAT to the Government 's Customs and Excise Department every three months .
15 The A N C has reacted calmly to the charges ; it said Mrs Mandela should n't be given any special treatment , but western diplomatic sources in Johannesburg said earlier today , ‘ the trial will place strain on the negotiation process ’ .
16 the trial will take place over the next 12–18 months and there will be four different , simple treatments available .
17 Second , either as a result of his or her independent actions , or acting as a result of an objection by a member of the public , the auditor can seek redress in the courts when an item of account is contrary to the law , or where money has not been brought to account or loss has been incurred through wilful misconduct .
18 The award will bring Peak £2,000 worth of consultancy from the Advanced Manufacturing Systems Centre at the University of Sunderland 's Industry Centre .
19 Entrants to the award must demonstrate success across all areas of culture , sport , youth exchanges , commerce education , world harmony and the environment .
20 Where the licensing board decides to hold a hearing as mentioned in subsection ( 4 ) above : ( a ) the clerk of the board shall serve on the holder of the licence , not less than 21 days before the hearing , a notice that the board proposes to hold a hearing , specifying the complaint and the grounds upon which suspension of the licence is sought ; ( b ) the clerk of the board shall give notice of the hearing to the complainer ; ( c ) any person or body mentioned in section 16(1) of this Act may , not less than 7 days before the hearing , lodge notice with the clerk of the board that he or it wishes to be heard in support of suspension of the licence specifying the grounds on which he or it seeks such suspension , an any such notice shall be intimated by such person to the holder of the licence ; ( d ) the board shall not order suspension of a licence without hearing the holder thereof unless after receiving due notice of the hearing the holder fails to appear .
21 ( 1 ) Without prejudice to its other powers under this Act , a licensing board may make byelaws for any of the following purposes ( a ) for closing licensed premises wholly or partially on New Year 's Day , and on such other days not being more than four in any one year as the board may think expedient for special reasons ; ( b ) for prohibiting holders of licences from residing in their licensed premises , or for requiring the dwellinghouses of holders of licences to be separate from their licensed premises ; ( c ) for requiring all wines , made-wines and spirits sold by the holder of an off-sale licence to be sold in corked , stoppered or sealed vessels , cans , jars or casks ; ( d ) for requiring every holder of a hotel or public house licence to keep in his licensed premises and to renew from day to day a sufficient supply of drinking water , and such eatables as may be specified in the byelaw , and to display , offer and supply the same as may be required by the byelaw ; ( e ) for printing a list of all applications coming before any meeting of the licensing board , with such other information as may be considered necessary by the board ; ( f ) for the setting out of conditions which may be attached to licences for the improvement of standards of , and conduct in , licensed premises ; ( g ) for the granting of a licence of a type other than that applied for ; Provided that a byelaw made under paragraph ( c ) above shall not apply to licensed premises where no groceries are kept or sold and where a bona fide wholesale business in alcoholic liquor is carried on .
22 In considering a complaint under the section , the board may have regard to the factors specified in subs .
23 ( 3 ) misconduct to which the board may have regard in considering whether grounds for suspension have been substantiated .
24 In the UK the Board will seek accreditation for a wider range of NQVs .
25 The franchising proposals indicate that where there is only one lawyer the board will seek evidence that files are being reviewed on a regular and objective basis by that lawyer .
26 ( 7 ) On remitting a case to a licensing board under subsection ( 6 ) above , the sheriff may : ( a ) specify a date by which the rehearing by the board must take place ; modify any procedural steps which otherwise would be required in relation to the matter by or under any enactment ; and any decision of a licensing board on any such case shall be valid as if reached at a quarterly meeting as mentioned in section 4(1) ( a ) of this Act .
27 Employees have no statutory rights of management or even ( with limited statutory exceptions ) consultation , although the board must have regard to their interests and , in the case of a takeover , an offeror must state the consequences for employees .
28 Thus , in a class 1 case ( actual undue influence ) , the creditor must have notice of the circumstances alleged to constitute the actual exercise of the undue influence ; in a class 2 case it must have notice of the circumstances from which the presumption of undue influence is alleged to arise .
29 Thus , in a class 1 case ( actual undue influence ) , the creditor must have notice of the circumstances alleged to constitute the actual exercise of the undue influence ; in a class 2 case it must have notice of the circumstances from which the presumption of undue influence is alleged to arise .
30 The following are by way of being examples and are not intended to be definitive : ( i ) where the relationship between the debtor and the proposed surety is one in which the real possibility of the exercise of undue influence in any of its well recognised forms or of misrepresentation is present to the knowledge of the creditor , the creditor must take notice of the position and act reasonably in the circumstances : see per Dillon L.J .
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