Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] a small " in BNC.

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1 Thomas 's house , which he could barely keep up , was run mostly on the income from a small chain of modern toy shops that he had built up for his wife over the years .
2 The present owner , having improved the cottage by the addition of a small brick garage and a modern bathroom and kitchen , had decided to celebrate the metamorphosis by planting a lavender hedge and renaming the property .
3 Boulton & Watt 's beam engines employed large cylinders operating at low steam pressures , and McNaught 's expedient consisted of the addition of a small higher-pressure cylinder acting on the other half of the beam about midway along its length , with an appropriately shorter stroke , exhausting its steam into the original low-pressure cylinder .
4 The leisure facilities would provide activities to encourage the youngsters to remain in the area , and the addition of a small health centre would be invaluable for the elderly and the young mothers in the area .
5 Lower : A group moves in a U-shaped formation in the direction of a smaller number of individuals , napping the herded fish .
6 Now the expertise of a small British company opens the way to cutting the cost of these biotechnology drugs by between five and 1,000 fold , the congress at Umist in Manchester was told yesterday .
7 Supplies needed : should be sufficient to last the period of the trial with a small reserve .
8 Put the milk in a small pan and bring slowly to the boil , then pour over the egg mixture , stirring thoroughly with a wooden spoon .
9 In Protostrongylus infection there is a somewhat larger area of lung involvement , the occlusion of a small bronchus by worms resulting in its lesser branches which occur toward the lung surface being filled with eggs , larvae , and cellular debris ; the whole lesion has a roughly conical form , with the base on the surface of the lung .
10 I tell them that I have the heart of a small boy and I keep it in a jar on my desk ’
11 And that 's what you 're checking , the other side of the heart , the right hand side of the heart with a smaller pump , where 's that pumping ?
12 The dynamic of a small beginning , usually in Congress , creating a further set of demands for an expanded programme among inside players , especially from interest groups , applied across most of the ACLR case studies .
13 When explaining the change , the society says that administrative costs must be balanced against receipts — a fair comment perhaps in the case of a small charity .
14 In the case of a small pay cut , for example , we have seen that it is sometimes safer to sue for the amount that you have lost , rather than give up your job .
15 In the case of a small council such as a parish council , the only official may be the clerk .
16 In the case of a small pair of curtains , a minimum of 15 cm ( 6 in ) each side should be allowed , increasing progressively with the size of the curtains .
17 In the case of a small private business , the use is primarily aimed at invoicing , accounting and stock control activities .
18 It was also the case for a small number of women with children who felt isolated because their social horizons were constrained by domestic and family expectations .
19 This may not be the case in a small house fellowship , or of a small church in a face-to-face village community where everyone knows everybody else .
20 Nina Santos ( Nina means " child " in Spanish ) was an old lady in her sixties , the midwife of a small farming community of some 1,000 inhabitants in the department of La Libertad , some 75 km outside of San Salvador , 30 minutes walk from the main road and with no electricity or running water .
21 I see little value in the interview schedule going into the field to a small sub-sample of respondents if the designer knows in advance that there is a lot of work still to be done .
22 He planned to turn Bishopthorpe into a retreat house and to put the archbishop into a small house nearby called the Chantry .
23 The aim of this project is to design an experimental , micro computer based , management information system suited to the needs of the Chairman of a small but expanding company .
24 Put the woodlice in a small plastic box , bottle or tube to carry them home , then set them free in the pot .
25 Rune 's pleasant voice penetrated her thoughts , bringing her back to the present with a small start .
26 Yanto cycled on down the wharf , dodging the mooring ropes until he arrived at the berth of a small Norwegian timber boat called ‘ Marit , ’ registered in Oslo .
27 As Henige ( 1982 ) points out , there has been a tendency to use such informants to the exclusion of others , with the result that data are biased towards the experience of a small number of individuals .
28 Patients may be admitted to the ward for investigations that need to be carried out under local or general anaesthetic , e.g. the removal of a small piece of tissue for examination under a microscope ( a biopsy ) or the internal inspection of an organ such as the bladder ( a cystoscopy ) .
29 He has also had problems with soft ground , so the first phase , the removal of a small number of trees , will probably be delayed another week or two .
30 Hiding near the door , I could just see into the kitchen through a small uncurtained window .
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