Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Kathy Rooney had to leave me one night when we were dining at the Kensington Hilton , so she took me to the porter to arrange for him to take me upstairs to my room when I was ready .
2 The porter looked at him drunkenly , then beard the low , mournful howl of the dogs and quickly pushed the bolts home .
3 The porter crouched beside him , too drunk to offer any succour .
4 ‘ The killings were duly lawful and the defence acting for us will be making that point . ’
5 Although Zuwaya merchants defended themselves against government socialism by claiming that free enterprise worked , they were not capitalists in any reasonable use of the term , the defence forced upon them by Tripoli .
6 There are advantages in transferring the investments to your wife altogether so that the income arises to her if she has spare allowances , or if you are in the age allowance trap and she is not .
7 She watched him search helplessly for a reply , the hysteria rising within her that he might have ruined her chances of being accepted by her family .
8 He sprang up with a cry , and in the same moment the tent collapsed upon him , pinning him to the ground under its heavy folds , and the hammering rain held it there , flattened crushingly over his breast , moulding itself to every feature of his face , so that he was nearly suffocated .
9 And so while he sat in a German public library and the story of the murder in the park unfolded before him in the newspapers , a novel began to stir .
10 As the seconds stretched into minutes so the advance of the soft light across the park unfolded beneath him .
11 Frere stood feeling the park sway around him as he panted , and when the dizzy motion stopped he was looking through the brilliant air at a thatched dwelling , snow-laden , secreted among the trees , its dark jetty seized in ice .
12 Prince Charles was installed as President at a degree congregation in Edinburgh in 1976 , and Sir Michael took the opportunity to underline to him that whatever ‘ the tribulations of our staff , who deal with the paper work of over 80,000 students and over 1000 courses , the Council itself and its committees and subject boards are concerned with one thing only , and that is quality ’ .
13 To miss out on the opportunity afforded to us by the Chancellor of the Exchequer is to deny those in the greatest housing need the opportunity to get decent low cost housing .
14 Andy was supervising a chlorination at a large tape manufacturers in Middlesbrough when the opportunity came for him to test drive the vehicle .
15 In May , Mr and his group had the opportunity to vote with us in spending another two million pounds on the education system of this county , and now he is complaining only six months later , that we are n't spending enough , and I think we 've said before , the Conservatives have , and continue to have the opportunity for action , but they will not support their words with deeds .
16 After being taken round by a six or seven year old , parents visiting the school for the first time were given the opportunity to talk to me or to one of my colleagues .
17 ‘ For I wanted the opportunity to talk to you privately , ’ she told Theda quietly , ‘ although I could not see Araminta allowing it . ’
18 I had never been given the opportunity to explain to him the difficulties in making recommendations about the teaching of language .
19 I did n't did n't get the opportunity to explain to you the joke beside behind your writing do n't use contractions in written material .
20 When he comes , will he take the opportunity to listen to them — the business men on the ground — rather than to the hon. Member for Wolverhampton , South-East ( Mr. Turner ) ?
21 The crew had one last night with their families , and the opportunity to share with them some of the advance they had been given by Yong .
22 ‘ So far he has not had the opportunity to appear to us a flexible and strong politician . ’
23 Erm , Chair , I think when we come to the capital programme you will be proposing that the P A G advise you and the Director in terms of producing a package which meets those guidelines , erm , and given the opportunity to look at them in some detail .
24 Boutros Ghali , last Monday , I took the opportunity to suggest to him the need for more action in Somalia .
25 For one thing it gives me the opportunity to write to you , and also I must have time to draw breath and come to terms with this astounding piece of good fortune that has befallen me .
26 Now that 's what I 'd prefer , but in every , you know the majority go against me and they want it in a as I say I I would , I think that it 'd be better placed at the top .
27 ‘ This is something we opposed since day one , but the majority voted for it and the majority has to prevail .
28 Within all the social services , but especially within education , it is often necessary to argue for increased access to the material resource of the service while simultaneously suggesting that there are aspects of the service , particularly the ideology transmitted by it , which one deplores ( see Sections I and IV ) .
29 Our values are distorted by the power of advertising and the ideology fed to us via the mass media , they would claim .
30 The discussion is based on what the author calls the ‘ Boltzmann-Gibbs ’ entropy , but in the terminology used above it is just the Gibbs entropy .
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