Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] had the " in BNC.

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1 However , the WPA was persuaded to give up its seat to the PPP , as did the TUF ; in return the PPP , which as the majority party had the constitutional right to determine the two NCLDO seats , allocated one to itself and the other to the WPA ; the final distribution of Assembly seats was PPP 35 , PNC 27 , WPA 2 , TUF 1 .
2 In formulating the original agreement with Fields , Branson had ensured a clause be written in stipulating that , under the Articles , Virgin as the majority shareholder had the right to appoint more than two ‘ A ’ directors , and thereby gain a majority of the board , if it was ‘ not satisfied with the financial position , or the management position of the company ’ .
3 The bowel site had the greatest effect on crypt cell production ( ileum>caecum>distal colon ) .
4 The début single had the desired effect of stirring up a wealth of excitement .
5 AROUND sixty employees from the NW Region had the chance to get to know each other recently when they were invited to Penrith 's annual Christmas party held at a local hotel .
6 The questions , listed for today in the Commons order paper , ask whether the fraud squad had the copy , if any disciplinary action had been taken against any officer and whether criminal inquiries are being pursued .
7 The obvious example is Australia , which was separated early , and in which the marsupial mammals had the opportunity to adapt to a whole range of ecological niches , which they managed with remarkable success in spite of a low cranial capacity and a primitive mode of reproduction .
8 The ruling effectively voided the British legal notion of the " discretionary " life sentence , under which the Home Office had the power to extend prisoners ' actual terms in gaol , or detain them again after an initial release ( known as " release under licence " ) if they were deemed to be a danger to society .
9 In 1971 the South West had the lowest number of births with 13.9 per 1,000 women , compared with Northern Ireland which recorded 20.7 per 1,000 .
10 This time the spelling changes had the backing of the government as well as of the Academy .
11 No details were given about the content of the comments , unlike those of the previous consultation on the PREPP recommendations , but it is known that while the community proposals had the broad backing of nursing unions and organisations , all had some reservations , and these have not been addressed .
12 Consequently , the residence requirement had the effect of excluding from the United Kingdom sea fishing industry the vast majority of Community citizens who were not resident in the United Kingdom .
13 Before the war Burma had the biggest inland water fleet in the world ; practically all of it went .
14 All of the walking species had the widely-splayed legs that gave them a slow and lumbering gait , but , in the absence of more streamlined animals , they prospered .
15 Darwin 's discoveries on the Beagle voyage had the effect of gradually breaking down his faith in the fixity of species and converting him to a dynamic view of the relationship between living things and their environment .
16 The second carter would be having Well the the first carter h the head carter had the best team of course , ploughing .
17 The launch model had the new 2.8-litre V-6 24-valve engine , 174bhp offering 135mph and an 8-second 0–62mph dash .
18 The rectory parlour had the same musty unaired aroma of the church .
19 When the target area was reached , and the bombload dropped , the tail gunner had the task of counting each bomb flash to ensure that all of the bombs had exploded .
20 In this campaign too — the battle of the River Ebro — the government forces had the initial advantage of surprise , but their much depleted physical and military strength made them unable to turn it to their permanent advantage and they were eventually pushed back to their original positions .
21 For the broadcasters , the licence fee had the advantage too of being an assured and predictable form of income .
22 Mr Emig questioned whether the urine samples examined were those actually given ; whether certain people present at the doping test had the right to be there and why the transportation of the samples had taken so long — five days , including three days at Cologne airport .
23 Liberia 's Bar Association opposed the proposed formation of a new interim administration on the grounds that none of the parties to the Banjul agreement had the authority to form one .
24 But the bishops would not apologise for nor retract the letter , and Mr Tembo could not convince them that the Congress Party had the right to pass death sentences upon them .
25 An attempt at modelling the future role of tropical forests in the world economy had the export of tropical hardwoods doubling between 1986 and 2000 with the opening up of industries in other countries .
26 Three minutes from the end Saints had the last word when Cherry 's powerful drive squirmed out of Marshall 's hands trickled in at the post .
27 And the Lib Dems had the glory in Gloucestershire , almost taking the Council .
28 Produced for 20th Century Fox by Elmo Williams , the film crews had the daunting job of recreating two air forces and two navies in numbers sufficient to depict the massed Japanese attackers and , for lack of a better phrase , the massed American targets .
29 All 14 normal people had the non-mutant version of the gene , whereas the cancer patient had the mutant gene not only in his tumour cells , but in his normal bladder and blood cells as well .
30 The officer corps had the distinction of being the most executed of any category of the Libyan population .
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