Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My staff and I welcome the opportunity to sit down with local exporters and importers to offer not only our own expertise but to provide the link to the truly international help that is available .
2 The opportunity to fly down from Liverpool to a sales meeting at Maidenhead via White Waltham had seemed too good to pass up .
3 Civil Service have conceded fewer goals than any other team in the division , and had Howell not taken the decision to stand down from the top flight , he could have been elevated to the Scottish senior international training squad this summer .
4 He leaned over the rail to peer down onto the lower deck .
5 Some information has necessarily been removed from the dictionary to cut down on storage requirements .
6 Rather , supporters tend to wait until the seemingly inevitable lapse of concentration in defence before expecting the side to get down to serious business .
7 On June 23 , the leaders of four of the newly legalized parties — the Front populaire ivoirien , the Union des sociaux démocrates , the Parti ivoirien des travailleurs and Parti socialiste ivoirien , formally called for the President to step down as head of the PDCI and for the resignation of the government and its replacement with a transitional administration .
8 This permits the ring to move down on the line under greater tension , and up on the opposite side which would be on the outside of a turn .
9 She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and went over to the window to look down at the courtyard .
10 The old grandma who was holding the girl 's hand looked across at him as he walked to the window to stare down into the street to watch for Eddie .
11 What appears to be a mortar explosion close by causes the column to get down on the flooded ground .
12 According to delegation sources , Mr Li said that Beijing was fortunate to have had the foresight to crack down on its democracy movement in June , preventing China from being thrown into the ‘ turmoil and confusion ’ now prevailing in Eastern Europe .
13 According to delegation sources , Mr Li said that Beijing was fortunate to have had the foresight to crack down on its democracy movement in June , preventing China from being thrown into the ‘ turmoil and confusion ’ now prevailing in Eastern Europe .
14 Whitlock said , pausing in front of the desk to look down at Kolchinsky .
15 But dégorgement dates back at least as far as Dom Pérignon , who we know kept bottles stored , neck downward , in a bed of sand in order to encourage the sediment to drift down to the base of the cork .
16 When it comes to such matters as the protection of creditors and third parties dealing with a company , the obvious way forward is for the Community to lay down in its Directives detailed rules which are to be given similar effect under national law in all member states .
17 Retribution soon followed , possibly by rock fall and it is said that Simon 's bones still lie a'mouldering it , the depths — no-one , you see , had the courage to go down into his mine and search for him .
18 The move to clamp down on specialist valuations is another step in the campaign by the Chartered Accountants Joint Ethics Committee to ensure that auditors are seen to be independent .
19 Mike Hall , the new Cardiff captain , takes the Bridgend cover on the outside to touch down during the 15–5 quarter-final win during the recent Worthington Welsh Sevens at Cardiff Arms Park .
20 His thoughts sway constantly between the desire to go on and the desire to settle down for a relaxed evening with a book in the secure knowledge that he wo n't have to go on .
21 If you make it a habit , you 'll soon find you are breathing evenly when you arrive and you wo n't feel the need to lie down in a darkened room to recover from your exertions !
22 The main themes that Bukharin pursued were : ( 1 ) the need to cut down on the excessive unproductive consumption of the state bureaucracy ; and ( 2 ) the need to draw the widest possible strata of the people into the planning process and into controlling the state .
23 And so I would like to discount all this talk about the need to cut down on commuting .
24 Lee turned her head to the right to look down at him .
25 ‘ I had to make a guess this morning , ’ she told Alina , glancing back over her shoulder from the Cona machine as she waited for the water to run down through the filter .
26 If we were gon na say , right , this only is gon na apply to mega- projects , tt and therefore it would be appropriate for the project coordinator to be the person to sit down at the start of the job , when he 's agreeing the remit with the client , when he 's developing the erm tt er who 's doing what within the functions .
27 If Joe had not caught her , she would be there now , walking up the dale to look down on the sleeping cottage .
28 She did not get up and come towards him as he got out , but waited until he had crossed the grass to sit down beside her on the wooden seat .
29 You 're welcome , ’ then went to the sink in the far corner of the kitchen to wash his hands , came back to the fireside to sit down in a chair to the right of the oven , and watched his wife putting out the meal .
30 The result is that first-time buyers now have to find at least 6% of the valuation to put down in advance .
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