Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [to-vb] it [art] " in BNC.

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1 A chance meeting with Dr Kathy Lang at a database user group and the subsequent investigation of Ventura led Tony Gamble to make the decision to give it a try .
2 In a Christian country , this book would be banned altogether instead of which so-called poverty-stricken Merseysiders have the wherewithal to make it a sell-out .
3 A finish applied to the fabric to give it a watermarked appearance .
4 And we have more plans for the future to make it the ultimate private leisure club .
5 Turn off the water , drain down and bale out the cistern to give it a good clean .
6 Projects include : expanding the Museum to make it a live wartime HQ with ‘ operational briefings ’ being given to visitors ; Bomb aimer 's simulator ; air gunner 's simulator ; intelligence room ; crash recovery room ; building a memorial garden which will be dedicated to Canada ; refurbishing and fitting-out the Great North Road 's most famous landmark , the Grand Old Duke of York 's ‘ Temple ’ , as a memorial chapel to those who died serving in 6 Group .
7 It is prone to shrinking and should be pre-shrunk during the manufacture to make it a good buy .
8 Not that he ever mentions it , or that I 've ever asked him , but he 's the type to consider it a sacred duty to have everything in order for every emergency . ’
9 This has certainly led to a freeing of the body to give it a greater range of movement .
10 If it is the first flight of the day for you , then it should always be the aim to make it an accurate spot landing .
11 The other end of the pole was attached to a treadle , which exploited the natural springiness of the pole , tightening the rope to turn the wood one way , then relying on the spring in the pole to turn it the other way as the rope was released .
12 Telethon co-ordinator Margo Horsley said this week : ‘ This is the last time TVS will be able to take part in Telethon , and there is tremendous enthusiasm at the station to make it the most exciting ever .
13 Whipped Cream are Scandinavian but even the odd accent does n't drag this version far enough from the original to make it an interpretation rather than a facsimile .
14 All crews agreed it was a top-notch event and plan to meet next July for a re-match , when they hope to entice a couple of crews from Chapelcross onto the water to make it a truly inter-site event .
15 And this was the day to do it the Women of the North lunch in Harrogate , like the Woman of the Year in London ‘ only much friendlier and more fun ’ according to a lady who 'd been to both .
16 Stepping is the new fashion in exercise and if you have n't tried it this could be the chance to give it a go .
17 The reason is simple , if you have taken the trouble to read it the content is fresh in your mind and so it is easier to find a reply .
18 Instead , I lay the garment out flat on the table and place one heavy book over the top of the neck edge and one at the bottom over the rib to stretch it a little .
19 However , the judge also rejected BNFL 's arguments that Greenpeace did not have sufficient direct interest in the matter to give it the locus standi ( or recognised legal status ) to appeal to the court for a judicial review .
20 Team captain Murphy grabbed a first half hat-trick and added a fourth 15 minutes from the end to make it a great day for the Derry boys .
21 ‘ Domiciled in the United Kingdom ’ meant living in the United Kingdom with the intent to make it a fixed and permanent home .
22 The same applies with even greater reason to the domicile requirement , which , according to the United Kingdom , is a more stringent requirement than mere residence and means living in the member state with the intent to make it a fixed and permanent home .
23 Add hazy ‘ moonbeams ’ by adding circular rows of running-stitch round the shape to give it a hazy halo for added interest — a beautifully simple motif on a very simple exquisitely knitted sweater or jacket in beautiful yarns — or just try a little one near the shoulder .
24 Fascinating to watch : how she smoothed down the shard of the totem to make it a circle , to flatten it out ; how she trimmed and chipped to make the natural lines flow ; how she scored out the eyes , the mouth ; how she touched colour with her fingers to emphasize the woman in the land , in the mask ; how the dead wood began to live and breathe .
25 Indeed , in January 1709 , when the Commons were discussing a recently published Nonconformist tract calling for the repeal of the Test , it was a Whig , Sir James Montagu ( brother of the Junto chief ) , who moved the House to vote it a seditious and pernicious libel .
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