Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [pers pn] took [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The love of Leonora 's life was sailing , and during the summer months she spent her Sundays on the water at the local reservoir , weeknights at the tennis club or the cinema , and in the winter she took part in as many activities as possible in the small town where she 'd lived all her life .
2 But finally deciding it was time to move off , and doing his best to ignore the rooks , which began to mob him again the moment he took flight , he flew three hundred yards to another oak which he had been looking at with some care .
3 After the service it took time for the galleries to empty .
4 Out of the boot they took crate after crate of apples , of pork pies , of oranges , of Pepsi-cola , of crisps .
5 He launched it on March 16th , the day he took office , and thus fulfilled his campaign promise to ‘ leave the right wing indignant and the left gasping . ’
6 In the mean-time he took part in the debate with the following letter : The BDDA was founded by the Deaf and Dumb for the Deaf and Dumb .
7 As we slid at speed down the escarpment we took care to avoid nettles and barbed wire , then we 'd squeeze between the splintery struts of the Essoldo 's picket fence .
8 Then there was the year we took part in the P.M.B. Organic Potato Storage Trials .
9 It was just great the way they took care of the old lady .
10 This involved combining the current running costs of the plant with the cost of capital investment at the time it took place , many years before .
11 At least , in those extraordinary days between Hiroshima and the declaration of Vietnamese independence , hardly anyone , except the French garrison who were still imprisoned , first by the Japanese and then by the Vietminh , could be found to contradict this assumption of power and by the time it took place , or at least was claimed , another thread in the French connection had been broken .
12 The Court of Appeal doubted the validity of trespass ab initio , as it meant that lawful acts could be made unlawful by subsequent events and the lawfulness of an act should be judged at the time it took place .
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